no one was there except for those IN the conversations & situations. unless lauren bacall specifically spoke to thim (i.e. the author), there is NO record of ANY of these personal conversations, w/judy, her children, her husband, directors, help, whomever.
i get the concept of "poetic license" as it were, but straight out making up full on conversations, situations, u name it, that just really, really bothers me. anyone can pull this stuff out of their behinds, right? "oh, i had convos w/judy garland, let me tell u verbatim every single word we said for years, though i wasn't alive or anything."
i DO appreciate the wealth of pictures of judy, her films, et al, i have & have read other books where u were lucky to get a few, very few, lacking pics. so that is definitely nice to see. i'm placing the high price of this book (kindle version for me) on that alone, though the book IS long as well, it's overpriced in general.
i also object to the ads for other books INSIDE this book as you're reading along, hawking books from the same publisher & of the same nature: celeb tell-alls, reveal-alls, again most HAD to be made up as well! there's only so much research can get u when it comes to these things. there is no private conversations & exact sexual descriptions to be had, again, unless u were there OR spoke to the other person who was there & i guarantee that didn't occur. those people are deceased and/or would NEVER tell a writer such things.
okay, i had more to write, but gotta run, that's sufficient anyway...
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