check THIS shit out: WALMART: $106 for 1 roll of paper towels! i copied/pasted it. what a GREAT DEAL! omg! unbelievable. know what else tics me off? the TP & PT math. 3 double rolls=6! 6 double=12, etc. Nooo it still equals 2 or 3 or 6!
besides that, wamart in general has started to lose their minds! they have up'd & doubled their prices like nobodies biz. later in covid, they started raising things, then when inflation hit, oh shit! they started REALLY going big! there are .99 cent cans of air freshener (for example) that are selling for up to $40! no joke. 1 can! that was 99 cents. same w/crystal light. same w/almost everything. most things have DOUBLED in price, but that $106 roll of paper towels really took the cake for me. SO GREEDY!! god, i hate greed!! causes so much death, destruction & suffering in this world!oh here is what i copied from walmart's site:
Get ONE$106.14BountyBounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, White, 1 Double Rolls