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Jun 10, 2011

tell me do people ever really look at who THEY are?

or are they too busy looking at (and judging)who everyone else is? i think it's the latter. it also goes along w/the "he doth protest too much". i remember one time i dated a guy, few yrs back and he went on and on (also the braggarts, NEVER a good idea. ever ever ever!) about what a GREAT listener he was, how he was a quiet person and liked to observe people and listen to them talk and see who THEY were, yadda yadda yadda right? oh and how kind and giving he was and so self sacrificing. he also had posted a bunch of this tripe on his "about me" (or whatever it's called) on myspace, which i had read while we were dating but never gave it much thought.
OMG!!!!  was it sooooooo the opposite? he was not only the most selfish person ever, but he USED everyone in his life, his friends, family, tried to even use me, that's when i was outta there. and the WORST so called "good listener" ever. he was NOT an observer, he was a dictator. he never asked questions, never listened to anyone, in fact he wanted to be the only speaker. he dared to shush me a few times (the last day i saw him and that's one reason it WAS the last day i saw him) for asking him a couple of questions.
basic shit too. how did he like his job, etc? he was not "private" he was secretive!! and secretive vs private (which most people who claim to be "private" are: secretive NOT private, what do they have to hide? obviously something.) i'm not saying put your business out there for the world to see or be an open book to everyone who ever passes you by but honestly what DO you have to hide?
i myself am a "private" person but i also am very open about who i am, what i think and if anyone asks, pretty much what is up w/me as well. painful past stuff, i need more trust to get into but i'm an open book, most people just don't care to know cause they are too busy guarding their own dirty little secrets. hmm
so after i ditched this loser guy, he emailed me few times, etc. he knew he had fucked up but i don't think was entirely sure how (and trust me, if i told u the story, your mouth would be hanging open wondering how he had the nerve to be like that, it is THAT blatant and "bad"), i went back and reread his myspace bullshit. and that's just what it was: bullshit.
EVERY SINGLE THING (good quality wise) that he listed about himself and it was a looong fucking list, he was the EXACT opposite of that. he had none of those qualities, he had the antonym? (is that the word i want?), well i said it, the opposite of everything he said he was. it made me laugh.
but i wondered then as i do and have many times......DO people really SEE who they are? do they care to see? do they simply paint a picture of themselves to themselves of what they WANT to be or want to see and then run w/that? you know like liars who believe their own lies? is it like that? they've said it so often, they now buy it too? or do they think if they say they are that, they will magically become that person?
or are they really so shallow, narcissistic, full of shit or whatever that they honestly think they ARE like that magical person? yes, i'm aware of people in the dating/mating world putting out their "best" selves at first, trying to paint a good picture to woo someone and then you find out the real deal, which was the case w/this guy. though he was too lazy to even keep up his best self beyond our first date or so and i saw the worst self ASAP!! i'm talking can't even bother to shower or brush his teeth to see me worst self, after we had this BIG day planned and i had put all kinds of time, effort and energy into it and he can't even jump in the fucking shower before i'm there? wtf IS that? i mean c'mon!
yet, what bugs me about it even further is that they are soooooooo quick to judge others, find flaw, when they are FULL of flaws themselves. on that note, i agree w/the bible saying pull the splinter out of your own eye before your pull out your brother's, or whatever it says and the judge not deal. that too. i mean that should be common sense right?
so yeah they think they are some paragon of amazing qualities but will find the tiniest shit in others (which btw, they usually have worse. i mean don't u hate the negative qualities in others that YOU yourself have? i know i do) and i know i judge people too, BUT if people treat me well......i treat them well. if they are not rude or unkind to me, i'm not rude or unkind to them. if they treat me like shit, you can bet your ass i'm gonna have something to say about it. i'm NOBODIES whipping post. i know everyone has moods and bullshit but they should expect to receive it back in kind if they can dish it out.
oooh another bad one is the cold superior deal. you know they are pissed but they won't admit it, just get REALLY cold, superior and bitchy basically and act like they are above you and not going to "sink" to this level of admitting it or even discussing it as a mature adult. wtf is that? isn't that how humans work? communicate? clear it up? admit what is going on instead of trying to act above it and claiming you aren't pissed or irked when you damn well are? then just avoiding it. yeah that solves shit alright. that's why those people are alone forever. oh god, now i'm being a hypocrite. i'm always saying how you don't have to be w/someone to be happy or complete and i mostly believe that, BUT i'm talking about chronically alone when they don't want to be. though i suppose that label could fit me at times too. ah but see, i'm human and i'll admit my flaws and shortcomings. :) (least i try anyway :P)

Jun 6, 2011

My thoughts on the remake of "The girl with the dragon tattoo".....

i saw the trailer for the American remake last night of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", I have known for some time that it was being remade, even while still in pre-production, i kept saying WHY remake it, the original is fantastically good, BUT i also completely understand why they have remade it. think about it. how many americans (or non-americans) actually even SEE foreign films? very few and i think i know the very few people that DO. (some of my fav films are foreign. i go out of my way to see any foreign film that looks interesting.) so even if they have heard of the books, or even read them, it's doubtful that they have seen the film. so there is a WHOLE new audience for it and i was thinking the same, why copy it to a T, as i watched the trailer, i thought "wow, everything looks exactly the same, the locations, the characters (mostly), the story line". i am doubtful that it can be as good as the original though, then i saw who the director and cast were (while in production and thought it may work out well, or well enough) and i will probably check it out anyway, and i was REALLY in disbelief that ANYONE could play lisbeth w/the perfection, panache and mystery that noomi rapace plays her with. as roger ebert stated (i'm paraphrasing), she is THE most interesting/intriguing character he has EVER seen in a film. that is glowing praise and i think she deserves it. i tend to agree, i don't know that i would say the most interesting character EVER, but she's up there.
so we shall see......
(but it always goes back to the almighty dollar right? that is the bottom line w/EVERY film that is EVER made. money. even the ones w/artistic integrity, statements, etc. usually turn out to be about money at some point, even later on. so yep, any story that has the possibility to make money, it's gonna get churned out, as evidenced by most of the tripe that is out there, yet people still line up for it, right?) some of the worst films ever make the most money and some of the best make the least. similar to the music industry.
also look at when "psycho" was remade. it was a LITERAL remake, again i understood it was for money (which i actually paid to see it in the theater, that was a mistake, gus van sant (was him right? he's hit and miss w/me)  i'm a huge hitchcock fan and that is why i did) and for an audience who had never seen it. again, along w/foreign films, many people highly dislike "old" movies. so yeah i thought that was a stupid choice and a stupid movie. why watch a 1-1/2 star literal remake when you can watch a 4 star original?