i got 2 filterbaby's in the last couple/few months. installed them. which IS pretty easy. the biggest problem i had was getting the little thing off of MY sinks! so not a filterbaby issue but finding the gaskets to go onto my sink was a big problem, even w/all of the choices. they wouldn't screw into my faucet easily or AT ALL once the gasket was on. i had to go gasket-less on one sink, but it doesn't leak, so that's good. the 2nd sink, it did leak & i didn't install that one til like a month later, as i was dreading screwing the faucet piece off, but it came off quite easily. was the gasket problem again though. so, i had a male friend install that part for me. once u install, you're golden though.
though the 1st sink is now being weird & when i have it on tap it stars pouring water our HARD, like splashing me & my entire bathroom. no joke. it doesn't do that on eco or filter though.
onto the benefits that i perceive. okay i have a LOT of minerals in my water where i've lived the last 6 yrs or so. it leaves residue EVERYWHERE! it's really annoying. so i notice w/the filterbabys installed it has greatly (if not completely) cut out/off that dang mineral residue. on my electric toothbrush stand, my sink, etc. i REALLY wanted these for my skin (i'm an Esthetician/Cosmetologist/Makeup Artist), so i'm ALL about SKIN!! i see & feel a difference in my skin. less breakouts, it feels softer (though it's always been really soft), it's soft-ER, which is great. it looks better to, so i'm ALL about that!! i read where someone says it tastes like a heavenly elixir. i don't notice that. i've tried it, tastes normal to me, but i drink filtered water already.
something i AM upset about is that BOTH of my filters came w/an insert saying if u do a review, u will get a FREE FILTER for each filter that u have & review. i emailed the company, got the link to go do it & the page says 50% OFF filters after u do 3 different reviews PER filter. wow, talk about forcing something! that's a falsity. false advertising! u can't tell someone one thing inside the box & another after they start to comply to get the said thing!