this is from a message I was just sending to this asshat company on amazon. u can read the deal here. bought an alarm clock from them, 9 days ago now *& i have prime, u know 1 day shipping, etc.. just a side note....oh, i was leaving a lovely review for them, as i wait impatiently......
i purchased this clock from them NINE DAYS AGO NOW! it delivers from Los Angeles TO Los Angeles, where i'm also at. there is a delivery estimate time of May 1-11th. okay, i LIVE in LA where it's coming from. it was shipped about 8 days ago. again, from LA TO LA! but guess what? they want to really charge u for shipping, which i happily paid, i NEED this clock desperately & was SO happy/excited to see it was coming FROM LA, my city, but nope...what they do is SAY it's shipped, but then someone sits on it til it's "delivery time" (they were charging $40 for me to receive it sooner. they sit on ur purchase & make u wait for no reason at all. it's HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! I contacted amazon re this days ago, they were going to contact them & refund my shipping & insist they deliver it in a more timely manner & yet, here i sit. nothing delivered STILL! 9 DAYS IN THE SAME CITY BUT I CAN'T GET MY ORDER! don't we have enough problems in life, for these "people to add to them w/this asinine BS? i think we do. in fact, i KNOW we do!