ok, check this out people. are u sitting down? ur minds might be blown! guess what the GREAT BRAINS in our society have been working on & at last finished & released? it could CHANGE THE WORLD!!! omg, are u ready??? i don't know.
ok, here it is: VAGINA LIPSTICK! vagina lipstick!? are u kidding me? what in God's name does anyone need vagina lipstick for?? and this is coming from ME, a Makeup Artist! someone who LOVES makeup!! and even i find this beyond idiotic! right along w/the latest plastic surgery trend (pretty soon gonna be a world full of look alike mannequins w/big tits as is!), of "vaginal reconstruction/rejuvenation". unless someone had a baby that was a ford pinto, there is NO NEED FOR THIS!! another hideous/painful/expensive/totally retarded thing that women do for MEN that don't even notice if u shaved your legs let alone how rejuvenated your vagina is! so lame & stupid. if u have money like that to burn, how about HELPING people that need help? u can simply look around you, or even read a page of news & find 30 needy causes in front of your face! sheesh people. get a grip!
i could add to this. go on & on, BUT i have to run, so i don't have time. perhaps i'll come back to it? who can say