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Mar 15, 2011

the i go again...

okay folks, as i admitted, i'm watching "the bachelor" and i have to say this guy IS a prince. he is what every woman wants (for the most part, meaning maybe he's not everyone's "type" or whatever. he's not really mine, for one). HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! i just fucking ruined it for myself. i went to the bachelor page to insert a link here, as i've seen my friend do (i think that's how he did it?) and i scrolled down and saw who he picked! dammit dammit dammit!!!! i'm only halfway through my dvr'd episode. oh man oh man. i KNEW or thought i knew he was gonna pick that girl, i was sooooo sure of it, but of course the edit it in such a way that they confuse you. like w/Survivor or anything else "reality", they show you tidbits, perhaps out of context to make you think you were mistaken. so yeah i knew he was gonna pick that girl (who also btw is SUCH a lovely girl and i don't say this about people on TV or easily. i'm a hard case where that is concerned, but she is sooo sweet and kind and real and down to earth and not in the pretend way, you can tell or i can tell that she is, absolutely. so yeah i knew he was gonna pick her and yet i just ruined ANY surprise for myself. wahhhhh. (that's my lucille ball cry, for laughs, i don't honestly do that haha, can u imagine?)
oh well, c'est la vie. no undoing it. but i was watching it and him and he is just like a dream come true. gag i know. i DON'T say this stuff, i swear i don't, especially about tv men or reality shows, it takes a lot, but he is ALWAYS sweet, courteous, kind, protective (LOVE THAT. how many men do u find these days who give a flying fuck about even the woman they are in love with? well not a flying fuck, but really there, really in love w/her, real love, healthy love, would do anything for her love, as opposed to "well i'm still keeping my own bases covered here or yeah i'll treat her as well as i need to just to keep her in the picture". i LOVE emotion from guys, i love endearments (if u are the only one getting them and they are sincere), i love being told how someone feels about you.
okay before i start swooning and needing the smelling salts here haha, this guy is like perfect! and yet still human, still flawed, so not perfect, which makes him even more perfect. i love his manners above all, his honest compassion and concern, now THAT is truly attractive in a man. remember when men were men and women were women? not in sexist or repressed roles or ways, but how we genetically WERE meant to be. least those are my thoughts. i know many were learned and put upon us but they are also ingrained in us as well. men were hunters, women were homestead caretakers and caretakers in general. i'm a women's libber, all for women's rights, believe me but i'm old fashioned too and a romantic at heart though i mostly hide it.
enough about me, my intention was to say this guy IS amazing and i fully see how all of these women, or at least a few, have fallen for him (or did), and hard! he is a gem. one of a kind (so to speak) and he does ALL men proud, he really does. hell, if i were there, i would be falling for him too. big time. that's funny because i always joke about this type of thing and would never in a million years DREAM of going onto a reality show, let alone a dating one. dr. phil tried to get me onto one of his single's show, or his producer i should say and she was VERY persistent, they even were given great gifts, travel, etc. which she hinted at to me, but there is just no way in hell, i wouldn't do it. i would much rather fall in love or find a great guy organically. that has been one of my beefs w/this show and these types of shows. you are NOT living in reality. you are in an arranged environment, being filmed the entire time, everything is not organic, and worse than that (for the love odds) you are on a "vacation" though i know the filming can be grueling. you are hanging out in a mansion, you are traveling the world, you are going out on dream dates, the best dates of your life, which of course makes it conducive for ANYONE to "fall". there is no shitty date that some cheap, rude guy planned (no money is not a must in any way, it's thoughtfulness and effort, that's how i meant cheap), and then proceeded to be a jackass ON the date and then was all over you expecting to get something even though he couldn't be bothered to show you manners or even purchase you ONE drink! wtf is that?
so yeah, you are living in a fantasy land, doing things you've always dreamed of, in gorgeous locales, w/a gorgeous guy, in gorgeous clothes and makeup and settings, you are not going to your job, you are not paying your bills, you are cocooned from any troubles. so there's that. so yeah who wouldn't dig that? then on top of that, there are the simple odds...what ARE the odds of taking ANY man or woman, no matter how terrific they and their potential partners are....and bringing in 20 odd people or whatever the number is and out of EVERYONE in the world, on this earth, your match, your soul mate being amongst that small number of people? sure i know that anyone can fall for anyone, that IS possible. any one of us could spend great, wonderful time w/another person is similar settings and spend enough time that you DO care for them, even fall in love w/them. people in this world could be finding the "one" left and right. they really could. the thing that holds most back is their laundry list, their list of the "perfect" person, the impossible demands and fantasies, THAT is what stops it. she/he is not "hot" enough, she/he is not smart or funny enough, she/he is not geographically desirable (and here i mean the people who are DELUSIONAL and expecting someone to live w/in 5-10 miles of them. really?? if it were that easy, wouldn't all neighbors and semi neighbors be in love and hooking up? that one flabbergasts me. of course it would be ideal if we all found someone down the street or in our city, but really that's very unlikely), anyway, the unlive-up-able (sorry had to make up a word) laundry list. i've seen it, i've heard about it many many times and i've done it myself i'm sure.
sooo....i really did not intend on rambling here, once again i digressed. my point was and is that bachelor guy is an honest to god peach. he really is. a PEACH!!! any girl who gets him/has him is a lucky lady, but then now knowing who he chose, HE is a lucky man as well. but why wouldn't he be? a wonderful man of such character and integrity (and physical beauty as well, i will mention that) would of course basically only be w/someone with those same qualities.
oh wait, i will say that the one thing that niggles at me a bit about the girl he chose, the lovely, gorgeous, sweet emily (i think that's her name?) is that she IS 15 yrs younger than him, if i'm not mistaken, i don't like how they do that. the women are generally in their early 20's while the man is almost 40, though i'm not an ageist. anyway, as real and sweet as she is, it nags at my brain a bit that she not only appears to have capped teeth, but also a boob job. okay it's not my place to judge or to be disturbed by any of that. maybe she had a tragic boob removal accident? had to get some new ones. perhaps she was missing all of her teeth or they resembled a pirahna's? haha. doubtful, but u get my point. hey if someone is unhappy w/their physical makeup, any part of it, i'm all for changing it, improving it, hell we all know that plastic surgery has grown by huge leaps and bounds and continues to do so. the thing that does bother me about it is if she IS so real, so down to earth, why would she feel the need (at such a young age even?) to cap her teeth, to get fake boobs? she is stunningly beautiful and pretty much perfect regardless. maybe it was society as well that told her she wasn't perfect enough? that she needed god's teeth and fake boobs to really make the cut?
yes i've rambled. again, my point was, he really seems like a great and one of a kind guy and she does as well (woman, not guy) and i'm very happy for them and i hope it works out in the land of unreality and imperfection. no sarcasm, that was sincere. :)

uh oh, do i need to proofread this now? i just found a random "so as i was saying" hanging out below this, where did it come from? ahh, im' too tired, it's too late to proofread or edit anything. besides i don't even know if anyone ever even reads this stuff. so i'm not gonna do it.
ONE DAY MY PRINCE WILL COME.........(i think that's how the song goes? he doesn't need to be a prince though. he can rescue me AND i can rescue him. equals in our royalty. ;) maybe he already has come?? :)

 ps. side note to a friend on here; ahh i'm getting it myke!! i see how you got so fancy w/your page, i'm trying to learn from you, i hope you don't mind. that doesn't mean stealing or copying, i would never do that.