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Oct 7, 2023

WALMART GREED, ONCE AGAIN! SORRY TO BE A BROKEN RECORD, but this is a good one. email to all the powers that be @ walmart, or all the powers i can reach, which ain't many. ;)

 ok, WHAT is going on? this order was PROMISED TO ME to be delivered TODAY!!  & normally (lately anyway), it would be here by NOW! it SAID 1 day shipping & i spent ALL of the rest of my money on this order, which has ALL of my food for today, tomorrow, etc. so now i have NOTHING TO EAT! now i have to go out & spend more money, that i DON'T have to buy myself shakes, etc. to be able to EAT TODAY & TOMMOROW (supposing this doesn't arrive at the crack of dawn, which it never does).

i buy from you guys once or twice a week, regularly now, for like 8 yrs or so? i have been nothing but a faithful customer!
yet, i have been screwed over numerous times, countless times, yet i still order from you, which has not been cheap or easy for many, many months now, as you have gotten insanely GREEDY w/your prices. you used to be as cheap, or almost as cheap as almost anyplace else, then your prices started doubling, tripling exponentially & where they stop no one seems to know. almost EVERYTHING i buy from you now, i can find cheaper prices at almost all of my local grocery stores. here's a good example: (1 of the very many), you have an air freshener that used to sell for .99 cents. not all that long ago. i bought it many times. it is now $30-40 & even more! for 1 can of air freshener! i literally saw 1 roll of bounty paper towels on your site for $80!!! i'm not kidding. some for up to $90. a short time after i bought the exact same one for 99 cent! what is that? a thousand percent markup? more? and as i stated, that is just ONE EXAMPLE! everything is like that! the muscle milk that i buy also doubled, tripled, quadrupled in record time! even amazon has been cheaper than you in many cases. that is crazy. who is minding the store, so to speak? the greed police?
if you're not careful, you will lose ALL of your customers. 
the last time i was at the grocery store, a couple days ago, i purchased hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste and a tooth brush, EACH of them i would have normally purchased from you, but you have lost your mind with your prices on most items & i literally paid 1/10th of what you would have charged me on EACH of those items!
WHAT IS GOING ON WALMART? i know there has been inflation, as of late, but there is price raising & then there is price raping & you are raping, in tons of cases. no, i am not referring to 3rd party sellers either. so don't try to tell yourselves that that is what i'm referring to. it's YOU! 
you save SO much money on your staffing, your customer service, you outsource it to ANY country buy America, to pay pennies on the dollar i'm sure, to not employ US citizens. you don't care about your own country's citizens? how much people are struggling to get by, to pay their bills, to simply LIVE/exist! why aren't u paying american's to do your customer service? in all the times i've called, i have talked to someone in every country BUT the USA. i've asked them, each of them, where they live, none here, that's for sure. i have NOTHING against other countries. i'm not racist or prejudice either. i care about people all over this earth, but isn't there a saying about taking care of your backyard before you take care of others? something to that effect. you know what i'm talking about. 
i'm not going to bother re-reading this to edit or spell check or anything. i never use spell check or anything, i edit myself always, but i'm a hurry, so forgive any bad grammar or structure. i am going to CC this to all the walmart email addresses that i have in hopes that someone will get their head out of their booty, so to speak, & address these plentiful issues. i haven't even gone into delivery issues, bad employee training & all of that, but you guys need like a gordon ramsey "kitchen nightmares" type person for businesses to come in & do a big OVERHAUL. i know the bottom line for you & all big corporations IS greed & the almighty dollar, so perhaps you are thrilled, pleased, overwhelmingly happy with your business & where you have gone with it? could be. BUT, any business, any successful business SHOULD be just as concerned w/their customers AND their customer service & their customer's happiness & sustainability, regarding prices & everything else. if you are BREAKING your customers & making them unhappy, you should be highly concerned! i can speak for myself, you have made me EXTREMELY UNHAPPY! mostly w/your prices, as i've already stated very clearly, though you needs lots of work elsewhere, bottom line for me as well is PRICE! & i don't like being raped. 
Julie Trotter