I & we have been here numerous times over the years. it's across the street from where i used to live, so convenient. it was mostly okay for yrs EXCEPT for there ALWAYS having FAT, tons of fat in any/all of it's meats. i ask, every time, that they try to give me NO fat or as little as possible. have tried every meat, the least fatty, or findable turns out to b the barbocoa, still TONS of fat though. was there recently after some time & yes, the portions get smaller & smaller. I always get a bowl. Usually add a bag of chips (cuz I like the corn salsa), to eat another day. This recent time i again asked to give me NO fat if possible. he dug thru it, we both studied it, barely gave me any meat btw, or much of anything. no grilled veggies, my favorite, can't do too much wrong to them, though too greasy, it seemed less fat-y, nope, get home & almost every bite is fat or filled w/fat, HUGE CLUMPS OF FAT! i set them aside (even my cat has never eaten them), it's gross! i should have taken photo of the fat as well. i was gonna take it back, but that's a pain in the ass & i was too busy. who wants to go back & forth every friggin time? isn't that Y we get "fast food", 2 be quick about it? not have to call them afterwards, drive back there, yada yada, nothing fast about that! the carne asada (or anything else), LOOKS fat free & i've had many of the staff tell me there "is no fat", ha! r they blind? they have no taste buds? seriously, the general public just LOVES eating fat? even in sandwiches? or simply chews & eats so quickly as to cut thru everything & swallow it down lickity split. i don't get it. it's disgusting! i don't even want fat on a steak, cutting it off or not. *when i have a steak, every decade or so*, filet mignon baby! i digressed. the carne asada LOOKS lean, but is loaded w/fat, gristle, u name it & chewy as a tire. pick up stix (who just closed btw) famous for this too. food cooked w/in an inch of being charcoal or IS charcoal. same w/that bowl place, the teriyaki place in park plaza as well. briquettes! even when u ask him (the owner) to not cook it so well done. & the prices! for some charcoal, half an orange & a couple veggies, really? Ur mouth is sore after a couple bits, from chewing. mine is anyway.
so yeah, the portions, in agreement w/many a review i read previous to typing this, SO much smaller, rice does taste odd, i get very little rice & beans (also not so tasty), NO guac, No sour cream & not even cheese, so the less & less they give u, the less i even have in my bowl. a handful of bites, of not so tasty food & a bunch of fat, for $15 or so? really? i used to have a full meal & another 1 or 2 depending. cuz i don't eat a lot, not saying they gave soo much before, but they gave enough for 1 meal at least, as they should be. again, what happened to quality & retaining customers & getting NEW customers as well? have the not noticed the multitudes of businesses in that/this area that have shuttered their doors, vanished into the ether? if they have, they simply crank up the prices even further! everyone, everywhere. greedflation rampant. quality? screw it! money, oh yeah!! bring it on, bring it in!
now onto the chips. oh yeah. kept wondering y over the yrs the chips, which had always been good, the lime-y taste, salt, crisp, started getting crappy. no lime taste mostly or only on a couple chips (salsa still seems good), stale half the time. well, this particular time, they were not stale, they seemed fresh-ish, i tried 1on way home, but guess what? once i got home, i noticed almost the entire bag was almost transparent w/grease. YUCK! reminds me of a Simpson's episode, Home was trying to gain weight to go on disability, dr. nick was showing him the "window of grease" on bags, that were "good" for him to eat. i forgot what term he used, but was funny, that window of grease, making bags see thru. so yes, SATURATED IN GREASE CHIPS & BAG. i DID take a pic of that. (this was after i had tossed the meat fat, unfortunately, which were quite big hunks! big, big hunks! like off a roast, 2" in size & diameter... now that is some fat!