i clicked that i would NOT recommend walmart to others, cuz the same day that i placed that order, another order WEEKS before, was destroyed in transit wks before & no one had done anything! no notification, replacement, refund, nothing! i, as usual, had to track it down myself, contact walmart myself (which i am currently doing this moment as i'm typing, cuz 1st person i called screwed it up & NEVER DID WHAT HE SAID!), sit on the phone for 1/2 hr & beg for a replacement. again, w/someone who's english u can barely understand, cuz apparently people in OTHER countries work for cheaper than americans. us pesky american who need a living wage! so, yes, Taha, my 1st call told me i would receive a replacement the following day, tues: feb 21st. sent me a follow up email re my call. guess what? NO REPLACEMENT! no nothing. so, here i am 5 days later making the same call. been on the line 15 minutes so far, w/another man who speaks so fast w/such a strong accent i can't understand. i wrote this few days ago. i spent 2 HRS on phone waiting 4 help! & the bitch that FINALLY got on the line, after my 2 hrs of sitting on the phone, didn't apologize for the screw up OR the wait time, or her attitude OR anything. i spend SO much time contacting walmart & being on the phone w/walmart over THEIR mistakes, etc. that i should be getting a paycheck from them! no joke. i could fill out a time sheet easily. matter of fact, she barely helped me at all. in summation, i ended up spending about 2 weeks & 4 hrs tracking, calling & trying to get this item resolved & resent to me, all for naught. i got a refund, way after the fact. a month later.
ps. the above remarks are NOT racist. i think that anyone who is serving as "customer service" should be understandable & if they are working in/for an english speaking country, they should speak english. simple as that. and i'm a person who LOVES foreigners & accents & usually am charmed by them & ask them about the origin of their name, about their country, etc etc. if i went to france, u can bet your ass i would be trying my damndest to speak french *i took 3 yrs of it, but don't speak it. can read some, understand some, but speaking blech. not so much. u use it or lost it*, my point is, that is what u do. especially if i was WORKING IN FRANCE! i would not be expecting everyone to speak english, etc.
an old close friend of mine from chile used to always tell me that i was the only person he knew that helped him w/his english without judging him, or making fun of him, as almost everyone else did. 1. why would that do that? that's not only rude, but mean! 2. why is it funny? i can see some humorous thing here or there but u should be laughing WITH them, not AT them! like when my sister & i were in oregon visiting our family & seeing our alzheimer's stricken grandma for the last time. my grandma was sitting next to me at a table outside (we were having a potluck kinda thing) & she kept picking up food off of her plate, then putting it down on mine & vice versa. just picking up food all over the place then putting it back in wrong place, she was just that way then, i just helped her & gently would hand her what she wanted or tell her things. meanwhile, my sister was LAUGHING HER ASS OFF AT MY GRANDMA! I MEAN oops, caps, for a long time at everything right in my grandma's face. she was ready to pee herself, thought it was the funniest thing in the world. i did NOT find it funny. i found it said & i only felt tender feelings towards my grandma (she remembered me thank God!).
my point being, that while we all are judgmental & have our judgments, i as well, of course. i judge myself harshly above all, but i am 1 of the least judgmental or racists people you'll ever meet. sure, we all have bad stuff like that ingrained in us, but we try to get it out, be aware of it u know?
ok i've rambled on all over the place as usual but i'm in a hurry & was trying to make my points. i didn't even get to send the damn review TO walmart, i let it sit there a couple days, cuz i had to leave my computer & was wanting to come back & edit it, finish it, squeeze in the proper communication in the limited amount of character space i had. noboby probably even would read it u know? just look at stars clicked & move on. much like my blogs here. i should publicize them if i want them read? i will. maybe? ok cheer to all .:)