
greed (5) bad customer service (3) RUDE BEHAVIOR (2) WALMART (2) amazon (2) bad manners (2) beauty (2) blogging (2) crazy men (2) delusional people (2) etc. (2) no balls (2) relationships (2) skin advice (2) the Bachelor (2) "teen mom" farrah abraham and her weird looking plastic surgery (1) 3rd party sellers (1) ANA LUISA jewelry review (1) ASSHOLES (1) American Idol (1) BAD CHIPOTLE (1) BAD OVERPRICED FAST FOOD (1) BBB (1) CHRISTOPHER NOLAN (1) CON ARTISTS (1) DEATH (1) DESTRUCTION (1) DISCONNECTION (1) DOUCHE BAGS (1) EBAY "HELP" (1) EBAY OBSOLETE soon? (1) EBAY SELLING (1) EBAY and PAYPAL are a RIP-OFF. EBAY and PAYPAL lie to you. EBAY and PAYPAL hidden charges. EBAY and PAYPAL will take money out of your acct whenever they feel like it (1) EL POLLO LOCO REVIEW (1) ENTITLEMENT (1) Euphoria (1) FAT ON FOOD (1) FILTERBABY (1) FLOSS Mascara Review (1) HEFTY TRASH BAGS (1) HELP (1) HOW DO YOU POST VIDS? (1) INSTAGRAM (1) Immaculate movie review (1) JUDY GARLAND (1) KARMA......blah blah (1) Kaleido Blush - Primadonna Review (1) L'OCCITANE PRODUCTS. L'OCCITANE REVIEW (1) LEGITIMATE SITES THAT THEY SELL ON! NOT JUST AMAZON! (1) Les Miserables review (1) MEN (1) Marlboro (1) Mirage car wash-lomita (really rolling hills/palos verdes) (1) NO Vanilla VISA GCs (1) OLAY Total Effects Line and Dark Circle Minimizing Brush (1) ON TRAC Shipping-DO NOT USE! total nightmare On Trac. they are NOT "On Trac" at all. they are OFF trac! track (1) RIP OFFS (1) SAN PEDRO EL POLLO LOCO (1) SCAMMERS: ZOVERSTOCKS & THEIR VARIOUS OTHER NAMES & SITES (1) Sephora (1) Sydney Sweeney (1) Tall Kitchen trash bag quality (or lack thereof) (1) YOGI Tea (1) ageism (1) all that beautiful wanna have it stuff that we don't necessarily think we can have anymore (1) are men not men anymore (1) attraction (1) b*&ching & moaning (1) bad food (1) bad website layout (1) better skin care (1) big brother internet (1) blah blah (1) blah blah blah (1) blogger mess (1) braggarts (1) can't sleep (1) capitalism (1) cell phone company issues (1) character defects (1) cheating (1) chickenshit (1) christians (1) chynna phillips is a huge bitch (1) chynna phillips is an idiot (1) clothes men vs. women (1) comfort (1) company issues (1) complaining (1) cosmetic procedures (1) coupons (1) deformed feet (1) delivery service (1) denial (1) don't lie in your products. no false advertising. no strong arming tactics please (1) douching (1) drug abuse (1) ease of gun ownership (1) entertainment value (1) equality (1) esthetics (1) expenses. life is hard! (1) expenses. walmart too expensive! (1) facebook removing your posts. wtf? freedom of speech! social media a-holes (owners) (1) fashion (1) fear (1) film remakes (1) foreign films (1) formatting (1) gays who don't admit it. bi-sexual. pretending (1) getting FAMOUS for NOTHING (1) getting ripped off. paying shipping for no shipping. assholes (1) girl with the dragon tattoo (1) great films (1) great singers (1) greedflation (1) guilty pleasures (1) gun violence (1) ha (1) hair (1) happiness (1) high heels (1) i know. was a pun. (1) i'm lost (1) impatience. irritation. me babbling. :P (1) individuality. (1) inflation (1) instant gratification (1) judgment (1) labels (1) link everything together whether you want to or not. (1) loneliness (1) love (1) makeup (1) mascara opinion (1) masked man (1) misrepresentation (1) money wasted (1) most high film review (1) muscle milk (1) musicals (1) narcissists (1) never can take blame (1) night owl (1) non lasting relationships (1) not giving anyone packages (1) not so great singers. FANTASTIC ACTORS! french literature at it's finest! (1) not sure what these labels r for. keywords is my guess. for search engines? (1) only ASSIGN blame. selfish (1) ontrac shipping (1) pain in the ass time wasting for naught (1) papa johns (1) patience (1) payment issues (1) people knowing who they really are (1) people there is NO such product to fulfill ANY of these claims (1) peter pan syndrome (1) pheromones (1) plastic surgery (1) priorities in the WRONG place (1) privacy issues (1) purpose (1) realism (1) relationship advice (1) romance (1) school shooting in GA (1) school shootings (1) schwarzenegger (1) self-centered men. models with watermelon sized boobs. "top models". an oxymoron (1) sha gua (1) shallowness (1) shipping delays. buying used item that's overpriced & still never received YET! (1) shit customer service and website (1) shootings (1) skin care (1) smoking (1) sociopath (1) stress +immune (1) stupid internet lingo (1) subscribe & save (1) sweet people (1) taste (1) tea bag quality (1) the VAGINA IS A SELF CLEANING OVEN (1) the bachelorette (1) the masked man (1) treating women well (1) truth in writing/journalism (1) tweakers (1) unrealistic ideals and expectations (1) uptight people (1) vaginas (1) what happened to chivalry (1) what is expected from women these days (1) what men really want (1) women's bodies (1) wtf (1) youth/beauty obsessed culture (1)

Dec 27, 2024

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags (citrus flavor) REVIEW...they have gotten CRAPPY!!

Review i posted on Amazon, where i buy these on subscribe & save for YEARS, but they've gotten crappy lately & i want my review to be everywhere i can put it. who used to do reviews of products for the public to keep the companies honest & all of that. wasn't there a tv show when i was a little kid about that stuff? who does that now? anyone? i mean sure, the internet, but not like i mean. hmm, someone should be doing that, big time, have another show on tv or something. again, to keep quality GOOD & big companies honest! 

i've been using these for years now & they seemed pretty good & strong before, but in recent months, maybe longer(?) they have gotten shabby, cheap!! i don't know what is going on here w/this company & these trash bags, but they claim to be "ULTRA STRONG"  & they are soooo not anymore!! i have holes, big holes open in them simply putting them into my trash can,or pulling them out or even just TOUCHING them. what the heck is going on Hefty? this is NOT acceptable!! u guys are 1 of the priciest brands out there, you'd better fix your product or you're going to lose a LOT of customers, myself included & soon!! 

Dec 12, 2024

YOGI Elderberry & Lemon Balm Tea Stress + Immune system REVIEW, the bags are wonky, the tea is delicious! & effective it seems...

okay, i pretty much love the tea itself & the packaging is good, but here is what i want to know...WHY is it that sooo many of the bags leak or tear or have holes in them?? i'm not 100% sure which it is, as i don't SEE any holes or tears or leaks in the bags when i put them in the cup. while i'm steeping it, i am VERY careful, because i'm sick & tired of drinking mouthfuls of HERBS instead of tea. so, they are leaking or hole-y or tearing at some point in the cup? i'm guessing there are bigger holes than i'm seeing or they're getting minor tears once in the cup AND/OR they are made poorly & leak out somehow. though i have examined them usually after i use them & remove them from the cup after i've had the tea. i only ever use 1 bag per cup too. so they aren't "overused", though many people do do that, i have in the past. 

so Yogi company can u PLEASE do some better quality control w/your tea bags. this is NOT cheap tea, no tea is cheap anymore. nothing is cheap anymore. greedflation abounds everywhere, especially in stores, supermarkets, food items. everyone jumped on the greed wagon, it's ridiculous & insane, as well as wrong. greed, greed, greed!! it's an ugly trait, especially in companies that are supposed to be all about pleasing the customers. you all gonna please us by bending us over? bankrupting us? making us all struggle to make ends meet? i saw ONE box of this tea, here on walmart being sold for $90!!! NINETY DOLLARS for ONE BOX OF TEA!!!? can u imagine! i saw aa similar price like that on here as well for 1 roll of paper towels, 1 roll. was $40 or something equally insane. i think they were both 3rd party sellers, NOT walmart themselves, but walmart has been on the bandwagon for SURE! doubling, tripling, quadrupling (& more) prices overnight, no joke. okay, i'll get off my soapbox for now. :)

ps. the tea costs MORE $$ on here, the tea's official website/maker than anyplace else i've seen it! there goes what i was just speaking of again. imagine that. haha ;)

Nov 1, 2024

if u want to save $$ online when shopping, use this! no joke. and mention me so i get credit too (same goes 4 ur friends who use it) :)

if u want to save $$ shopping/buying online...add this & mention me when u do! it's real, not scam or spam or whatever. i use it, even on amazon, saves a lot of money. cheers

Oct 15, 2024

satisfaction survey re (low) offers on ebay, EBAY SELLER SATISFACTION & HELP: see zero basically!

this is a very quickly typed response to a simple survey question from ebay regarding what i think of the "offers" i get on there. I let shit fly obviously, they have screwed me over SO many times. just kept my money out of greed, not giving a crap, greed, not giving...(haha u get the point). i had FOURTEEN "returns", items never received, blatant theft of my money that they NEVER refunded or took care of, though i reported them asap & took all the proper steps, filed claims. made & signed affidavits, u name it. was a whole scheme deal by the sellers, (that they let continue to sell), u couldn't even leave negative feedback, as it was not within the shipping time they specified (over 90 days), big old mess. they also have NOT refunded shipping i bought but couldn't print out, many times. they have forced me to refund damaged orders (thanks to shippers or customer to get something free), telling me i was covered & wouldn't lose my funds, then reneged on their promises. u can't reach a live person to save ur life, literally. so here is my "survey" below: (they asked what i thought of them charging people asap who offered lowered purchase prices. weird question huh?)

 i think that's good. i wish u didn't take so much of OUR $$ though! it used to be so much less AND u used to let US keep our own tax! shipping is NOT free either. poshmark & other sites let the sellers keep about 90% or MORE of their sales. also, u have NOT REFUNDED SHIPPING I PAID FOR & DIDN"T USE & CONTACTED U THE MOMENT I DIDN'T USE IT & MANY TIMES AFTER. U DID NOT HAVE MY A-Z GUARANTEE COVERAGE OR MY BACK, THOUGH THAT'S WHAT I WAS PROMISED AFTER AN ORDER GOT SMASHED BY BUYER OR POST OFFICE!!

(further survey question here:) u could stop ME from being UNPAID by YOU, EBAY! *see above*! that would improve my experience GREATLY, i can go sell my products elsewhere & stop u from getting MY money. that would help me also. also having LIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP ON THE PHONE, not only recordings that then hang up on you would be VERY HELPFUL especially when u promise to have us covered! u have quite the little system of non-help going on. everything is "go read this article for help". when did articles ever HELP someone w/a live person needed issue? not that i WANT to call u or anyone regarding ANY problems. that is just more stress. never a good thing one has to do, so why would someone be searching that out? bored, dumb people w/too much time on their hands? u can easily filter them out. instead, u filter EVERYONE OUT! THAT is bad customer service period.

NO business/company is SO great or SO irreplaceable as to not lose business & sellers & customers. we are ALL your bread & butter, your precious money, right? ur lifeblood. u should REALLY care for your sellers MUCH more, like at all, would be great for a start. TY

Sep 25, 2024

L'Occitane Cleansing & Softening Almond Shower Oil L'Occitane (Body Wash) Review.

$30 basically for less than 9 OUNCES of SHOWER GEL! SOAP. $30 SOAP is what u are paying for. yes, they add oil, fragrance, "quality ingredients", but u can buy great HUGE bottles of shower gel with quality ingredients for $8, $6, less & even a bit more. generally, under $10!! they are TOO greedy & overpriced! i'm a makeup artist, esthetician & cosmetologist. i know all about skin, skin care, makeup, etc. i have studied it my whole life, worked in those fields, even in movies, etc. & i know all about ingredients. the general public may not, but it's not a good look! 

yes, it leaves ur skin soft, yes, it smells great of almond oil, but then again so to millions of others! no pun intended on the millions. :)

Sep 24, 2024


this particular store has DESTROYED THE SALADS from El Pollo Loco! totally!! they have changed the cilantro salad dressing, to be cheap i'm sure. there is no longer any resemblance to the original cilantro salad dressing. just gone! i think they were watering it down w/something bad til they fully switched it over. to try to fool the customers they ALL deny that it has changed. i have asked about it & mentioned it numerous times. many of the employees have not been there long enough to notice or don't eat the salads. it HAS CHANGED! it's bad. awful. horrible taste. tastes like a really cheap, bad ranch or green goddess, the horrible old-school salad dressing (blech!) there's a reason they stopped making that one. i recall it from when i was a little kid & no one like it! like the ken's cheap ass packet they hand out for ranch. they try to make it a bit green, but check out other pollo's AND more importantly, the commercials. it is the old/original dressing on the commercials! i even have SAVED original (not all that long ago) cilantro dressing. looks completely different, tastes completely different & BAD! there is NO cilantro in it! that u can taste anyway, or see really. i can't believe they would DO THIS! are allowed to do this? doesn't the brand care about it's product? it's quality? it's reputation? i guess not. they are NOT cheap either & the quality & quantity has gone down, down, down. they have scrawny little cheap chickens now; they aren't marinated half the time. wth are they doing? it's all greed & greedflation. doesn't EVERYONE know that the key to running/keeping a successful business is QUALITY! send graham norton here or to any of the locations. woe to them if that were to happen. aired on tv, written about everywhere, informing MILLIONS of people how crap they have become. why do restaurants, companies always seem to start out great (when they do), then start to take shortcuts & turn to crap? i don't understand it. please the customer! that IS ur business. i know a lot of people don't give a crap what they put in their mouth, & eat any garbage, including fat, gristle, things that have gone bad. no offense to anyone, but my palate is too choosy & so is my mind. i want what i pay for! properly done too. also, the shrimp salads, which is the last 2 things i got from them in last 2 months? the flavor is good on the shrimp (they will give u colon issues though), but they are SO overcooked it's ridiculous. they are hard, chewy as hell & like at least doubly overcooked. c'mon! then the rest of the salad is a joke. like salad from a mix bag, a few pepitas (too few), WAAY less avocado than pictured & advertised. oh, a sprinkle of cotija cheese. like a few dots. ur lucky if u see it or taste it. so, u basically have a plain salad w/some tiny, hard shrimp, a tablespoon of avocado & some gross salad dressing for $14? really?

and YES, i realize that the cost of EVERYTHING has gone up & probably continues to go up, but so have all of their prices, along w/everyone else's. "oh, we have an overhead & our supplies are really expensive" blah blah, but again, their prices have doubled & more. u shouldn't go into or stay in a business if u are going to let ur quality go to crap! many don't notice or care is their thought? maybe they don't? customers i mean? i don't know how many do, but every customer is important to a business! each & every customer. their money, their influence on friends, family, the INTERNET, word of mouth, all of it plays a part. indeed. :)

Sep 8, 2024

review on an ANA LUISA piece of jewelry i got, a ring, a gold, braided ring. it's sterling that's gold plated or something like that?

this is a review i posted on the site i got it from. 

 my ring does NOT match the picture. it is all wonky. thick & thin & not even at all. it could be said "this is designer" so it's not supposed to be "perfect", but the pictured ones look like they are perfect & even.  of course, they aren't going to picture some uneven wonky thing, right? i think it also states "designed by ana luisa" made in china on the package? if i'm not mistaken. so, outsourcing for cheaper labor to other countries, is not uncommon. i don't personally agree w/it, especially when so many jobs are needed here in this country, but i'm not here to discuss political concepts.  i  have a few of her items & same w/them.  crooked, not uniform, some badly so. 

i just think for the price point she has set (& it's NOT real gold for starters), that there should be a LOT more attention paid to quality control. 

btw: i have the SAME EXACT RING DESIGN IN SILVER!  sterling silver. i have had it for 20 plus years. it is a bit larger, the braid, it's totally perfect though in execution & it was NOT pricey at all! no designer name, just a random silver ring, i think i bought it in venice beach on the boardwalk? u know, just cheap vendors, (as in price). it's lasted perfectly. :) 

that's the main reason i chose thing ring "oh i can get it in gold (color) too! cool". not so much. wah wahh

Sep 5, 2024

SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! school shooting yesterday in GA on 9/4/24, GUN VIOLENCE NEEDS TO STOP FOREVER!

 ANOTHER SCHOOL SHOOTING yesterday am! 2 KIDS, 2 TEACHERS KILLED! 9 INJURED! didn't kids JUST go back to school? this is the 35th school shooting in '24 alone! so far, that is. it's a good thing that access to guns is sooo easy & the number of guns in the US is insanely huge. yep. SUCH a great thing. guns everywhere, anyone able to get their hands on one/many. i don't have a problem w/regular, responsible, mentally capable, mentally healthy (but really, who is totally that anymore? joking. kinda) OF AGE people owning guns, they have the right. we have the right. but i'm also willing to have ALL guns removed off of this planet, if it will protect children from getting slaughtered & millions of other innocent people as well. guns r NOT necessary! unless u have to live off the land & hunt, which is a very small percentage of humans in this world. ESPECIALLY any automatic or semi-automatic guns. there is NOT need for them period! everyone can say: "oh well what about war, what about law enforcement & so on". again, if no one had guns, it wouldn't' be a concern. i know that's virtually impossible to accomplish & i don't want to live in a 1984 or handmaiden's tale (*i don't know what that world is like via the series continuation of the story, it could b gun city now. i only read the book way back & saw a bit of season 1 of series) world either. but this HAS TO STOP!! WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!! NO MORE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS. NO MORE SHOOTINGS PERIOD. unless Hitler comes back to life or any other evil motherfucker! but even then, he could be hanged, stabbed, choked, all kinds of methods. not advocating ANY violence, i'm so sick of ALL VIOLENCE!! i'm just giving a wild example ala devil's advocate kinda thing. ok, cheers all :)

Sep 3, 2024

My review of "Floss Rise Above Lengthening Mascara" in Black...

 It's simply my opinion, some people love it, i see, but not me. no siree. i received this from Allure as well, & I tried it immediately & wah wahh. it's like NO mascara!! it doesn't lengthen, it doesn't thicken, it doesn't do anything! i put on THREE COATS as well, i really tried to cake some on to some effect, AND it did smear on me too. very hot day (always in cali in "summer", see: always) & it blobbed or ran underneath my eyes, w/sweat from the heat. i'm sure having moisturizer, foundation (powder too though for moisture/oil blotting purposes!) didn't help it's cause, but again,it did NOTHING for my lashes!! it maybe darkened them slightly, that's it. not thicker, longer, etc. in the LEAST & that was the 1 claim "longer", so i expected that 1 at least. i'm a makeup artist, cosmetologist & esthetician, so i've tried and/or used almost every mascara out there, so i know.  in MY opinion. i can see why the people who love it do, they are most likely the people that don't love the "made up" look, want something very natural, 'cause that's what it is, very natural, so natural it's almost not there. the other group of lovers can be very young and/or those w/already beautiful, lush, thick, long, gorgeous lashes, or lush, thick, etc. but very LIGHT colored lashes. that would work for them too, in their preferences, just a slight darkening. my lashes are no slouch in the lash dept, they are fairly long, thick & dark, but i like them to be "POW", as much as possible. i do NOT like clumping & the 40 coat look or wear false lashes either. i like natural lashes, just as long & thick & dark as they can be. they do frame your eyes after all (along w/your eyebrows, of course), no clumps, just a smooth darkening, thickening, no smudging, beautiful thick lash! that's also easily washed off w/a good cleanser or double cleanse ala a facial, OR eye makeup remover, followed by a single or double cleanse. that's my thing. okay, i've rambled quite enough. hope i helped anyone who was unsure or encouraged those who know exactly what they want, the nature lovers. no besmirchment intended. respect & love to all. :)

Aug 21, 2024

ONTRAC SHIPPING BS. for my own purposes mostly. "chats" w/agents to help me GET my deliveries!

 🔔 Did you know, you can now interact and track your package with Wink through SMS? Just Text "track my package" to 587.817.2380* to get started.

Message from bot
Hi, I'm Wink, the OnTrac Virtual Assistant. I'm here to help you with your package. 📦
Enter escape to switch between the answer and text area.
Message from user
Message from bot
Message from bot

Package status: The package was scanned at your local OnTrac facility and is being prepared for delivery.address: SAN PEDRO, CA

last event time: 08/21/2024 at 05:56 AM

estimated delivery date: 08/21/2024

Please select an option below:

You selected: Add Delivery Instructions
Message from user
i have a problem with ALL of my orders that u DON'T DELIVER
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot

I understand that you're experiencing issues with all of your orders not being delivered.

Source: OnTrac

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your deliveries. Here are some steps you can take to resolve this issue:

1. Track your package: Visit the tracking page on the OnTrac website and enter your tracking number. After you enter your tracking number, please hit “Track Your Package” to see the latest status.

2. Contact your retailer: If you don't have a tracking number or if the tracking information shows that your package is delayed, please contact your retailer for assistance.

3. Use Wink, our Virtual Chat Assistant: If your package is marked as delivered but you can't find it, or if you have delivery instructions to add to your order, please use Wink, our Virtual Chat Assistant, to help create a ticket. You will need a valid tracking number.

4. Contact OnTrac Customer Service: If you need further assistance, you can reach the OnTrac Customer Service team by texting "track my package" to 587.817.2380. An OnTrac representative will be happy to help.

Please note that OnTrac delivers packages to residences typically between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. in your local time zone on your scheduled date of delivery.

For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on the OnTrac website.

Message from user
Add Delivery Instructions
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot

I understand that you would like to include specific delivery instructions.

Source: OnTrac

To add delivery instructions to your order, please follow these steps:

1. Use Wink, our Virtual Chat Assistant, to help create a ticket. You can find Wink on the OnTrac website.

2. Please note that you will need a valid tracking number to create a ticket.

3. This is the best way to communicate instructions to our team and driver.

Please note that if your package is out for delivery, the instructions may not be available until the next delivery attempt within 1-2 business days.

For more information, you can visit the OnTrac Frequently Asked Questions page.

Message from user
i need a LIVE AGENT
Message from bot

Do you want to contact a support agent?

You selected: Yes
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Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
For the best experience, please do not leave this web browser as your connection may be interrupted or disconnected and you may need to start over

Routing you to a live agent

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You are next in line. An agent is joining soon
Brianna has joined the chat

Brianna has left the chat

See previous status (6) 
Symone has joined the chat
Message from bot

Hi, My name is Brianna from Ontrac Webchat. How may I assist you today?

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
Message from user
they leave them at wrong addresses, don't read my instructions or anything
Message from user
i've signed up for texts, tried to contact u, done everything on my end, still NO HELP or deliveries!
Message from user
r u there?
Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
i guess i should contact the better business bureau
Message from bot

Hi, My name is Symone from Ontrac Webchat. How may I assist you today?

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
what happened to brianna from 10 min ago?
Message from user
i already typed everything to her
Message from user
Brianna • Aug 21 6:41 AM Message from useryes i don't receive ANY OF MY PACKAGES WHEN ON TRAC IS DELIVERING THEM Message from userthey leave them at wrong addresses, don't read my instructions or anything Message from useri've signed up for texts, tried to contact u, done everything on my end, still NO HELP or deliveries!
Message from user
r u going to not answer me as well & vanish?
Message from user
i don't have time to sit here and wait for nothing
Message from bot

I am more than happy to assist you! Could you please give me a moment to review your case and tracking details?

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
Message from user
r u still reviewing?
Message from bot

Could you please provide your name, phone number and email address to include as contact information for your case?

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
julie trotter
Message from user
Message from user
1321 via sebastian #10 san pedro ,ca 90732
Message from user
u already know all of this information
Message from user
u have a delivery for me today. i would like to actually RECEIVE IT FOR ONCE!
Message from user
i'm on w/the better business bureau as well, since u guys are sooooooooo slow to address anything at all
Message from user
the drivers need to read my special instructions for delivery. do they read? can they read?
Message from user
are u gone again?
Message from bot

Thank you for providing that information. Please allow me 3 to 5 minutes for me to review the case notes.

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
you've already had 20 minutes! plus
Message from bot

Could you please confirm the information below for this package?

Address on your package:
SAN PEDRO, CA 90732-2291

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
i can't sit here all morning
Message from user
are u going to HELP ME HERE??
Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
this is ridiculous! are u on break?
Message from user
i've reported u to the better business bureau & am now filing a claim with them
Message from user
i could also do my taxes & cook breakfast for the whole town while i wait on a response here
Message from user
or i could take a trip
Message from user
lalala. maybe a napk
Message from user
Message from user
this is bullshit
Message from bot
Symone has ended the conversation
Message from user
ur company is going out of business!!!!!!!!
Message from bot

Please enter your tracking number below

Message from user
bye symone. thanks for ZERO HELP!
Message from bot
Message from bot
Sorry, that tracking number is invalid. It usually begins with "LX", "LS", "1LS", "D", or "C". Please reach out to your seller for the correct tracking number if the problem persists.

Do you want to try entering your tracking number again?

You selected: no
Message from user
Message from bot

Is your reason for contact related to a tracking number?

You selected: Yes
Message from user
Message from bot
In order to further assist you please contact us again once you have a valid tracking number. Is there something I can assist you with?
Message from user
Message from bot

Do you want to contact a support agent?

Message from user
yes sure u are wink
Message from bot
Message from bot

Please try again

Do you want to contact a support agent?

You selected: Yes
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Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
Message from bot
For the best experience, please do not leave this web browser as your connection may be interrupted or disconnected and you may need to start over

Routing you to a live agent

You are next in line. An agent is joining soon
See previous status (3) 
Génesis has joined the chat
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Hi, My name is Génesis from Ontrac Webchat. How may I assist you today?

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

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Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from bot

I am sorry to know that, I am more than happy to assist you! Could you please provide me with your full name, email address and phone number?

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Message from user
go back to the 80 times i'ts already been entered!
Message from user
julie trotter Message from user-310-507-5152 Message from user1321 via sebastian #10 san pedro ,ca 90732 Message from useru already know all of this information Message from useru have a delivery for me today. i would like to actually RECEIVE IT FOR ONCE!
Message from user
do u need 30 more minutes to "review" that?
Message from bot

Thanks. Could you please confirm the information below for this package?

Julie Trotter

Address on your package:
SAN PEDRO, CA 90732-2291

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Message from user
yes yes
Message from bot

We received the electronic information for your package, but it is still on its way to us from your seller. Please continue to check for updates on your tracking at If there are no updates on this package after 2 business days, please contact your seller for further assistance.

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Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from bot

I am sorry for the previous experiences. We are always working to improve our service and your feedback is a big help.

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Message from user
Message from bot

Do you have the previous tracking numbers for the packages that were not received?

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Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from bot

In order for us to assist you with those packages, we need to have the tracking number.

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from user
Message from bot

I understand why you are frustrated. At this time, I have taken every available action. Please allow our facility the time needed to work this case for the package.

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from bot

Again, my apologies for this negative experience. Please let me know if there is anything else I might do for you today.

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from user
Message from bot

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will notify the delivery facility to address this issue to make sure it does not happen again. I apologize for the inconvenience.

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from bot

I apologize. Due to inactivity, the chat will be disconnected at this time. You can contact us again with further questions at Thank you for contacting us and have a great day!

To stop talking to the agent, just type Exit.

Message from bot
Génesis has ended the conversation