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Jun 2, 2011

back to the weird masked man.....

i got sidetracked and caught up in some other topics the other night, as i tend to do and went on a tirade about that and completely forgot about poor, weird masked man guy.
weird masked guy... .
okay when he first got there, i assumed it was a gimmick (read my other blog re these shows, it's just fodder, something funny to talk about for the most part), that he wanted to stand out.
then he never took off the mask. still hasn't, though he ALMOST did the other night. (i was wondering if THAT was a set up by the producers, the whole almost part. aw shucks, RIGHT as he was removing it, he was interrupted! anything for ratings right?) trust me, i am the biggest believer in individuality, i really am, i hate that shit about everyone wanting to look like everyone else or following styles, trends, gotta keep up w/the joneses. everyone wanting the same hair, the same clothes, the same whatever. i prefer something that only I have! one of a kind or very few of a kind.
it's just sheep stuff, as far as i'm concerned. sure, i guess we all are subconsciously influenced by things but i'm speaking about the people who CONSCIOUSLY try to stay on trend. it's beyond trends but i can't think of the words i need right now. example; the oscars, awards shows, how people TEAR people apart for not wearing something THEY think is wonderful, fabulous, perfect, whatever. how there is some level of expectation. people used to wear JEANS to those things, now it's a fucking fashion show.
i'm not dogging people who watch that stuff to see what people are wearing, i DO like clothes, fashion, my own idea of it. what i like, what i think is pretty, cool, interesting, not what i'm TOLD to like or what everyone else is wearing or what a magazine says. i used to be quite the fashion plate. i mean i'm not a slob now, but  man the effort i used to put in as a teenager, from then on too but to a much lesser degree, but even then it was MY idea of what i thought looked good.
i prefer individuality. yes, i understand and agree w/the concept of people looking their best, but it's THEIR best, not YOUR best, meaning what is their concept of their best. like bjork for example. the famous swan dress. i think that is cool! sure the dress is ugly as shit, i wouldn't wear it but i appreciated the fact that she was expressing herself and not towing the line and following what some stylist told her to wear.
also take a good look at a million runway shows, have you seen some of the shit on there that passes for fashion? same thing w/art. there are some horror shows going on there, but it's about expression so i appreciate that. but someone paying 50 grand for one squiggle of paint on a canvas is INSANE to me. yes, it is perspective but it's also put on in most cases. it's pretentious, phony, etc. okay IF the artist TRULY intended that one squiggle to express something and it meant something to him/her, then i respect it, that doesn't mean i think it's talent or great, but then i can assure you that tons of people don't find things i think esthetically pleasing to be so for themselves.
sorry, the MASKED MAN!!!! i digress, digress, digress. so i thought he was trying to stand out and was then going to remove his mask once inside the house, talking to the woman alone, something along those lines.
i did find it a bit odd, but he succeeded in making himself stand out, so it worked right?
THEN he announced that no, he was not going to be taking it off until he felt the timing was right, or some such thing. i thought okay, fine. though the guys in the house were already making fun of him and making a joke out of him, picking on him. i felt kind of badly for him, but if it IS/WAS a gimmick, then he kind of made his own bed right? that's the way this world works unfortunately.
THEN he told the girl about how it was about internal beauty, personality, NOT his looks and how he was making a stand for that and i silently applauded his bravado for that, because i agree. i don't think that will happen in a million years (though the girl has kept him through 3 eliminations so far, so either it IS working and she does understand as well OR, as i mentioned, the producers encouraged her to keep him for good TV). .
i 100% agree that the MOST important thing IS internal beauty, personality, etc. i have discussed how a level of attraction needs to be there too before, so i won't bore you by going into that again.
but then it crossed the line into weirdness. he has kept it on for god knows how long (still his prerogative of course), but he really started to make himself look like a weirdo, and not in a good way. okay maybe this is judgment as well on my part? well of course it is, but that's how we are all set up, we observe things and form opinions based on whatever, or whomever we are, just how it goes. i try not to be a judgmental person but i don't know that anyone can remove that entirely from their makeup as a human being? sure if they never looked at anyone, interacted w/anyone, read/saw any media whatsoever. never left their house, never went on the internet. lived in a cave. something.
so back to my opinion on the matter, he took it beyond the level of understandable for me, though i was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that until he was ALONE w/the woman once again, he could then remove it, he was just waiting and biding his time. i was gonna suspend my disbelief until that time, but the days dragged on. again, i have no idea how long, it could be 4-5 days, it could be 2 weeks. and he never removes it (obviously), to sleep, to shower (?), (they did show him caught on the toilet w/it on), he SWIMS in it, never removes it whatsoever, even in front of the other guys, and they are not the one's he is dating. meanwhile they are tormenting him about it. some of it is funny, some is just mean.
then, it gets worse. he is ALWAYS lurking around the house alone (i realize he's a pariah w/the guys, so he kind of has to i suppose) but it looks weird! but the part that really gets me is that his eyes are always big and staring, like a serial killer look/expression in them. well maybe not that crazy looking, but it IS disturbing!!! you know how some people have a look in their eyes that is just creepy? well he HAS that!! he just does, there is no mistaking it. i don't think he's a bad guy or anything (they do extensive background checks for any reality show, big time), i just think he's maybe a bit off?
so yeah, the creepy look in the eye's, the doing EVERYTHING for countless days and nights through a big ass mask and the lurking around the house like he's the phantom of the opera, well it's just too much and YET the girl kept him there. even though he had some "alone" time w/her, told her he had brain trauma, some accident, illness, i can't recall exactly what it was but instead of looking all touched and empathetic as she does w/the other guys when they tell her anything personal or painful, she just looked uncomfortable and her body language said it all as well, she kept her arms in front of herself and sat quite a bit apart from him, which she NEVER does w/the other guys. so i was SURE that she wasn't going to keep him there and yet she did. go figure. once again that semi cements the producer involvement as far as i'm concerned. 

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