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May 27, 2011

Mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Love Child, cheating, men's taste in women,....

Mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Love Child Revealed - ABC News
this is a continuation of a comment i was posting on a friend's post on facebook, re schwarzenegger, she said....."Proof you don't have to be a skinny beauty to have an affair w/a movie star or politician. If I knew what I know now, I never would have let my weight hold me back. OMG. Movies lie to us. The other woman is not always young and pretty. I don't wanna be mean to this woman, but we women are being fed lies. I wonder what she did? I want her secrets. Not to snag Arnold, but I'm very curious. What say you
this is what i posted on her comment (and now am adding to it)....
it never surprised me in the least what she looked like. for one, remember what maria looked like when they married? she was chubby. she has gotten very thin and angular since, & also those kennedy's don't age very well in the face. they get especially wrinkled, probably all that time in the sun w/their football games or something. :P besides that, european men (and most men, MEN not boys, but then aren't men always boys? & some boys are more men than actual man, but that's another topic) prefer curvy women. women who LOOK like women and FEEL like women, who's bodies are DIFFERENT from their own. what man (straight man) wants to look at and feel a body that is just like his own? another narcissist? the ones who don't have been brainwashed by the media. YES there are men who prefer very thin women, or petite women, that is a preference for whatever reason but usually there is a reason BEHIND that reason, he wasn't just "born that way". it's not a man's natural reaction to want a woman shaped like a 12 yr old vietnamese boy, that is media and the man's own insecurity or wanting to feel like a "big man" AND to also be perceived a certain way in public, "look at who's on MY arm", a trophy, a prize, in his eyes. look i have this tiny rail thin girl next to me, see how big and strong i am? then again beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. one mans "hot chick" is ugly to another man and so on. for example: i think sarah jessica parker is not your classic beauty, but i think she is very attractive, she has a great smile, hair, great body, etc. but i swear to god, EVERY man i have ever heard mention her thinks she is GROSS!! thinks her legs are bony and disgusting, that she has a horse face, that her nose is too big, that she looks like a witch, that she is scrawny, on and on and on. one man told me to look at her knees, that she had the knobbiest and ugliest knees he had EVER seen in his life!! wow. i had never even noticed her knees! haha. yet robert downey jr (that YUMMY man!) was w/her for yrs and yrs, back when ben stiller had his show, he had a HUGE crush on her, and matthew broderick married her, so there are men out there who find her extremely attractive. 3rd and more importantly cheating is NEVER about the way a woman looks (unless it IS back to that ego thing), it's always about the way the woman makes the man FEEL> she strokes his ego, makes him feel wonderful, happy, paid attention to, someone she looks up to and fawns over, he feels like a hero again, like the shit. THAT is the key to the entire thing.
women ALWAYS want to know that about the "other woman". is she prettier than me? younger? hotter? better in bed? what magic does she have? what does/did she do that i don't? generally she has NOTHING that you don't, she could very well be ugly, old, anything non "hot". it IS the way she makes him feel. that is the entire deal. hook, line and sinker (again like i said there are exceptions, when a guy has more options available, more ego to feed, etc etc). SHE makes him feel the way YOU used to make him feel. like he was so fascinating and smart and cool and interesting and irresistible. besides that, some people are just cheaters, no avoiding it i suppose. no self control or WANT of self control. i'm not pinning the finger on anyone here, men and women alike cheat, i'm not taking sides w/any sex.

i've also known (and known of) MANY men who secretly fucked (or used) large women, very large women. all the men in one particular town would line up for this one girl to give them blow jobs. she was a very pretty girl, but also very large, so it was NOT okay for them to use her around others (except the other men doing it), but to use her in secret or fuck her in secret, that was okay. so is a vagina just a vagina? any hole is a good place to put it? or did they really ENJOY the whole experience? did she feel GOOD to them in private? but they just wouldn't want it to be known that that was their experience? again, much of that goes back to "what will everyone think about this", instead of "i like who i like and fuck you if you don't respect my opinions and decisions". one person i know in particular fucked her on his own time, at his own place, then later told me about it and was all embarrassed. asked me if i was "disgusted" with him.

also to be totally honest here, people that are married or together for any length of time....a lot of the sex AND romance goes out of the equation. they are busy w/their lives, w/their children (if they have any), are old hat for each other, take each other for granted, don't make an effort to keep it exciting or fresh. AND a lot of women are no longer interested in sex anymore period. they never were, or they used to be but then they got caught up in other things and the man doesn't romance them or take the time to turn them on or sucks in bed, so they avoid it or suffer through it. a guy can sometimes think "dick hard, woman ready" when that's not the case at all. our BRAIN'S are our biggest sexual organs. secondly, kissing (one of my personal favs) is not only romantic (i wanna gag every time i say that word, i'm soo not the schmaltzy girl), it is CHEMICALLY essential!! omg i would NEVER want to be w/a man, nor have i been w/a man who didn't kiss me! no way jose. not only is it a warm up, a turn on and the appetizer to the whole shebang (no pun), as i said it is chemically necessary. you know how men tend to have bigger sex drives than women? they think about it every 30 seconds or something crazy like that, and women, oh god, forgot the stats on that but it's a lot less, well because they are FILLED w/testosterone and we are not. so when a man kisses us, we RECEIVE a testosterone boost through his saliva, which totally ups our turn on factor. so men who aren't kissing or who are treating your woman like a hooker, think about that the next time you wanna get some!!
i also know women who were soooo hot for sex prior to a long term relationship or even a marriage, and within a very short amount of time they thought of it as a chore. in most cases, i again think it's because the man makes little effort to romance the woman, or turn her on mentally OR physically. one couple i know, the man's idea of foreplay is walking by his wife in the morning, slapping his dick on her forehead as she sits in a chair eating breakfast and says "suck it" or announces out of nowhere "i'm horny" and suddenly she's supposed to leap up and become a porn star. but the women are to blame as well, how often are THEY trying to turn on their men, or keep it fresh? it takes effort on both sides.

like EVERYTHING worth anything in this life, it takes work, nurturing. would you buy a beautiful, rare, exotic plant and just sit it any old place and never water it or tend to it, or give it anything it needed and then be shocked when it died or didn't perform as you had hoped? no, i don't think so.

anyway, those are some of my thoughts on that particular topic. it's extremely late, so hopefully i made sense. off to bed.

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