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Jan 11, 2011

the Bachelor...the TV show...ageism?

okay i'll admit it, i've tuned into that tripe here and there, in shock, awe and disbelief. i REALLY am curious to see who, what and why ANYONE would sign up for something like that. how anyone would be that desperate or stupid (or maybe i have it wrong? maybe they are brave and smart?) to go onto a reality TV show because they can't find a good man, or woman. i hear them on that count. that's for damn sure. "there are more fish in the sea". haha right, more screwed up, issue laden FUNKY fish that you don't want. so take your pick, which are the least dysfunctional, lame or asshole-ish.
omg and my FAV part of all is after each girl has spent exactly 30 seconds w/the guy and is already in "love", he is the one, she wants to marry him, is heartbroken if she is sent home. oh nooooooo, her dream man, her soul mate is now gone. their HUGE connection is over. it's ridiculous!!
anyway, the reason i was posting something about this is that the new one just started and i tuned in to a bit of it and noticed something SHOCKING!!! i don't know what to make of it....
okay in the past seasons, the snippets i've seen, anytime a girl/guy is speaking to the camera they list their name, occupation and AGE!!! this time, there is NO mention of age anywhere. so i was mulling it over. viewers/participants must have complained? i'll tell you this, any that i tuned into in the past, i noticed that EVERY time the guy picked the youngest women, the 21, 22 yr olds, etc. even if he's 35 or whatever. i think i blogged about this before? it's so funny to me, pick the youngest girl, she will be the "sweetest" the one w/the least life experience, the one w/the least "baggage", the one who possibly looks the best and once he gets past the physicality and all of that (that's assuming HE has any substance) he will then be not only bored out of his mind, but realize how incompatible they are, they then will split up (this is in life life too, not some lame reality show) and he will either learn better and do better, picking someone more his age or will repeat the same cycle w/another 21 yr old and once they break up, scratch his head and wonder why. where did it go wrong? haha.
i'm not proclaming to be some great mistake avoider, or wisest chooser in history and sometimes it takes me ages to learn from my mistakes but i don't make mistakes in that area. i would think that would be obvious to everyone? that someone 15 yrs or more your junior (IF they are in their 20's, after that decade i don't think it matters as much or at all) will NOT have the maturity, life experience or commonalities that we do need.
so back to that dreadful show....WHY are they going out of their way to now not list the woman's age???? there is SOMETHING TO IT!! i just don't know what. was the man or even the audience complaining or nitpicking that the guy is always choosing the youngest women??
did they actually get women over 30 for once and those women protested that they didn't want their age listed every time they spoke? that would be a shocker, people actually age appropriate, or more so anyway. ESPECIALLY in the entertainment industry, in hollywood, LA, whatever you want to call it. your expiration date comes very early. your fake boobs can and will outlast you.
what ever happened to valuing age and wisdom?? even valuing women past a certain age? they do in europe and in asia, africa as well. not so much in the US, especially LA and probably NY, FL, all of the "big" cities. that's too bad.

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