
greed (5) bad customer service (3) RUDE BEHAVIOR (2) WALMART (2) amazon (2) bad manners (2) beauty (2) blogging (2) crazy men (2) delusional people (2) etc. (2) no balls (2) relationships (2) skin advice (2) the Bachelor (2) "teen mom" farrah abraham and her weird looking plastic surgery (1) 3rd party sellers (1) ANA LUISA jewelry review (1) ASSHOLES (1) American Idol (1) BAD CHIPOTLE (1) BAD OVERPRICED FAST FOOD (1) BBB (1) CHRISTOPHER NOLAN (1) CON ARTISTS (1) DEATH (1) DESTRUCTION (1) DISCONNECTION (1) DOUCHE BAGS (1) EBAY "HELP" (1) EBAY OBSOLETE soon? (1) EBAY SELLING (1) EBAY and PAYPAL are a RIP-OFF. EBAY and PAYPAL lie to you. EBAY and PAYPAL hidden charges. EBAY and PAYPAL will take money out of your acct whenever they feel like it (1) EL POLLO LOCO REVIEW (1) ENTITLEMENT (1) Euphoria (1) FAT ON FOOD (1) FILTERBABY (1) FLOSS Mascara Review (1) HEFTY TRASH BAGS (1) HELP (1) HOW DO YOU POST VIDS? (1) INSTAGRAM (1) Immaculate movie review (1) JUDY GARLAND (1) KARMA......blah blah (1) Kaleido Blush - Primadonna Review (1) L'OCCITANE PRODUCTS. L'OCCITANE REVIEW (1) LEGITIMATE SITES THAT THEY SELL ON! NOT JUST AMAZON! (1) Les Miserables review (1) MEN (1) Marlboro (1) Mirage car wash-lomita (really rolling hills/palos verdes) (1) NO Vanilla VISA GCs (1) OLAY Total Effects Line and Dark Circle Minimizing Brush (1) ON TRAC Shipping-DO NOT USE! total nightmare On Trac. they are NOT "On Trac" at all. they are OFF trac! track (1) RIP OFFS (1) SAN PEDRO EL POLLO LOCO (1) SCAMMERS: ZOVERSTOCKS & THEIR VARIOUS OTHER NAMES & SITES (1) Sephora (1) Sydney Sweeney (1) Tall Kitchen trash bag quality (or lack thereof) (1) YOGI Tea (1) ageism (1) all that beautiful wanna have it stuff that we don't necessarily think we can have anymore (1) are men not men anymore (1) attraction (1) b*&ching & moaning (1) bad food (1) bad website layout (1) better skin care (1) big brother internet (1) blah blah (1) blah blah blah (1) blogger mess (1) braggarts (1) can't sleep (1) capitalism (1) cell phone company issues (1) character defects (1) cheating (1) chickenshit (1) christians (1) chynna phillips is a huge bitch (1) chynna phillips is an idiot (1) clothes men vs. women (1) comfort (1) company issues (1) complaining (1) cosmetic procedures (1) coupons (1) deformed feet (1) delivery service (1) denial (1) don't lie in your products. no false advertising. no strong arming tactics please (1) douching (1) drug abuse (1) ease of gun ownership (1) entertainment value (1) equality (1) esthetics (1) expenses. life is hard! (1) expenses. walmart too expensive! (1) facebook removing your posts. wtf? freedom of speech! social media a-holes (owners) (1) fashion (1) fear (1) film remakes (1) foreign films (1) formatting (1) gays who don't admit it. bi-sexual. pretending (1) getting FAMOUS for NOTHING (1) getting ripped off. paying shipping for no shipping. assholes (1) girl with the dragon tattoo (1) great films (1) great singers (1) greedflation (1) guilty pleasures (1) gun violence (1) ha (1) hair (1) happiness (1) high heels (1) i know. was a pun. (1) i'm lost (1) impatience. irritation. me babbling. :P (1) individuality. (1) inflation (1) instant gratification (1) judgment (1) labels (1) link everything together whether you want to or not. (1) loneliness (1) love (1) makeup (1) mascara opinion (1) masked man (1) misrepresentation (1) money wasted (1) most high film review (1) muscle milk (1) musicals (1) narcissists (1) never can take blame (1) night owl (1) non lasting relationships (1) not giving anyone packages (1) not so great singers. FANTASTIC ACTORS! french literature at it's finest! (1) not sure what these labels r for. keywords is my guess. for search engines? (1) only ASSIGN blame. selfish (1) ontrac shipping (1) pain in the ass time wasting for naught (1) papa johns (1) patience (1) payment issues (1) people knowing who they really are (1) people there is NO such product to fulfill ANY of these claims (1) peter pan syndrome (1) pheromones (1) plastic surgery (1) priorities in the WRONG place (1) privacy issues (1) purpose (1) realism (1) relationship advice (1) romance (1) school shooting in GA (1) school shootings (1) schwarzenegger (1) self-centered men. models with watermelon sized boobs. "top models". an oxymoron (1) sha gua (1) shallowness (1) shipping delays. buying used item that's overpriced & still never received YET! (1) shit customer service and website (1) shootings (1) skin care (1) smoking (1) sociopath (1) stress +immune (1) stupid internet lingo (1) subscribe & save (1) sweet people (1) taste (1) tea bag quality (1) the VAGINA IS A SELF CLEANING OVEN (1) the bachelorette (1) the masked man (1) treating women well (1) truth in writing/journalism (1) tweakers (1) unrealistic ideals and expectations (1) uptight people (1) vaginas (1) what happened to chivalry (1) what is expected from women these days (1) what men really want (1) women's bodies (1) wtf (1) youth/beauty obsessed culture (1)

Dec 16, 2022

TACO BELL HELL! i haven't been for ages, don't buy fast food, but was in a hurry, starving, nowhere else to go........

 and this is how it went....

this was the WORST taco bell I have ever had in my LIFE!! it was $15.48 for like far less than $3 worth of food! my mexican pizza was CRUSHED @ bottom of bag. there were barely any ingredients on it, though it was half pasted to the top of container & all to the side. still was flat & horrid! my "taco" had about 4 tiny grates of cheese on EACH! taco bell has NEVER been big on adding cheese to anything anyway, but this was most infuriating. the burrito supreme was also a joke! almost nothing in it. flat, ridiculous. your sauce packages now have even less sauce in them! r u trying to to save on sauce too? or skimp i should say. for this PRICE i could have purchased a lovely, healthy beautiful fish dinner elsewhere. i was going to call them, but what was the point? have them spit in my food if i go for corrections. it was SO bad i was stunned. of course, u don't know until u get home, so you're screwed right? i didn't finish ANY of it. i only ate enough to not be starving & it was GROSS. u should b ashamed! i was planning for leftovers, which is why i bought 5 items, but they were all thrown away! u probably lost me forever! 

(i reviewed this as per their survey on receipt, to let them know how hideous it was). blech! 

Nov 2, 2022

POSHMARK RIP-OFF! & MONTHS (basically) to even FIND OUT i'm ripped off. not instant like usual rip-offs :P

yes, poshmark. lovely poshmark. my very FIRST time buying off poshmark. i've been on there of course & browsed but never felt an urgent need to buy anything i saw. until now. or recently, that is.

 wth? after waiting what? 6 weeks AFTER i placed order it is FINALLY shipped. never showing it to even be received, just tracking # obtained. then once i FINALLY am supposed to be waiting for shipment (more than month after the fact) u then CANCEL IT? wth? what is going on. again, i could have purchased this elsewhere & received it 100 times over by now. is THIS what i can expect from poshmark & it's sellers? ridiculous! 

Amazon rip-offs, including Prime! an email i composed to them. says it all really.....

Hello Amazon,

i JUST received notification that my sub & save orders that were due TODAY, that you've had & always have MONTHS to prepare for, that i was WAITING on specifically to receive today, as promised, are now "delayed". suddenly. HALFWAY THROUGH THE DAY ALREADY!! seriously? WHY is that? once again, some unforeseen occurrence, some unfortunate delay, that i, the customer, has to suffer again for.  that always happens w/you guys. WHY?? why is this constantly happening to me w/amazon??
i am a prime member, yet i don't seem to receive ANY benefits from that! i'm supposed to get next day shipping, never happens. it's 2 days or more. my subscribe and save is almost always late, though u have MONTHS to prepare. 
sometimes it's weeks late or months late, or never to be received at all! my personal fav is "will be delivered on wednesday", that wed, next wed? who knows? that wed sits there FOREVER, never becomes THE wednesday. something i just bought from you a month ago, that TOLD ME I WOULD RECEIVE IT THE NEXT DAY: after i ordered it, i then went back & saw i'd get it in weeks or months! wth? that's not what it said while i was buying it. i bought it for Halloween, I haven't received it yet, it's now 11/2/22, still no purchase. i called, tried to cancel it, was told i couldn't. what? again, i suffer for bad service!
the ONLY "free" movies on prime are movies i've seen, movies that are already FREE on my cable subscription, etc. or movies that are pure crap, that no one wants to see.
the ONE thing that i DID watch on amazon prime videos was "i love lucy" & only SOME of it was free. btw, i can record & also own lucy & do, & it's FREE on tv everywhere & has been since it aired in the 1950's!
Recently you removed that "free" i love lucy & now every episode has to be purchased or rented. what the hell?
WHY am i paying for prime? what am i getting out of it? certainly NOT movies or tv shows, certainly NOT fast shipping. certainly not any favors or specials in any kind of way. so why have i been paying for this for years? what is the point?
the world is expensive enough these days, w/out me paying for a service that is NO service to me!
i can't even find your email addy! why should that be so impossible? i had some saved in my email of course, but i googled it, to make sure i send to a live person & guess what? the link takes me to your site & then 500 different pages i need to go through & still NO help, no email addy, just more bs. i went back to google. screw 5 minutes of your site taking me around a merry go round, preferring me to call or chat!
Yes, indeed, I think i need to cancel my Prime. I also think that i need to be refunded for a good years worth of my paying a billion dollar company money for nothing! no wonder your owner can afford to go to space! on MY dime! 
if you want to remain a billion dollar company, i suggest you make a LOT of improvements & think more of your customers instead of yourselves. 

Julie Trotter

Jul 7, 2022

WHY is Muscle Milk suddenly in Earth destroying PLASTIC BOTTLES? Also, Amazon "subscribe & save" are we REALLY saving??

 Again: why are these suddenly/recently in PLASTIC BOTTLES that are ruining our planet worse than it's already been ruined?? they are heavier, more unwieldy period & WORSE: taste different, not good! that's the plastic effect. before they were in nice, light, lovely cardboard (or some form thereof) & they still are at Walmart etc., but on amazon, it's the HORRID plastic. WHY did they change it?? as if it's already not expensive enough! it's going for $40 a 12-pack half the time! i signed up to buy these from "subscribe & save" a year or so ago? for like $14!! now they are like $27, if i'm LUCKY! (ha, see: not lucky). wth?? my sub & save really offers me little to no savings at all. a couple pennies at that. & i many times see my items suddenly in stock, once: the shakes of which i speak, for $13 & something & i had been stiffed on my subscribe & save (though you'd think i'd have 1st priority, having had it set up for months & yrs right?), as in NOT Receiving them at ALL! not for weeks & weeks & months. yet my order page showed them as arriving every upcoming Wed. nope. never came. or i'm sorry, DID start to come once they could charge me astronomical prices for it, after months, randomly. so it's retailing on here for $13 something & I'M charged $26 at least!! again, wth?? so much for sub & save eh? so yeah, the badness (word?), to sum it up, is: PRICE! stop being so greedy muscle milk & u amazon billionaires! PLASTIC: planet, taste, etc. & being screwed over when i'm supposed to be like a "preferred customer" having it on constant order yet i'm NOT charged or treated that way! it's frustrating. yes, indeed. 

ok this is a quick amazon/muscle milk review i was posting, so i didn't get super in depth w/it, or the ongoing theme of GREED that i've been thinking about a lot lately, w/our gas prices, the inflation thing & basically the increased & increasing cost of EVERYTHING these days, though people don't get paid MORE, so everyone (except those that are rich & wealthy) is suffering even more.

as if COVID & all it's changes & hardships weren't bad enough. deaths, sickness, loss of loved ones, isolation, people dealing w/depression, their children, hardships & shootings going on left & right!! (oh i could write a symphony of blogs on that topic!), everything is now overpriced & hideous. anything or place that wasn't already, is now jumping on the band wagon. i had a conversation w/someone who works at a store i frequent, where i bought a few vitamins regularly, cuz they were a great, low, FAIR price! then they started going up (as the rest of the world started raising prices), then they more than DOUBLED in price! that is INSANE to my thinking. i asked the familiar employee why they were now more than double the price. he said "well have u been to ralphs or any of the other stores?" i said yes, of course. & he replied "well their prices went up, so we raised ours too". great, huh? what better reason! the bandwagon. they're greedy, so we want to be too! they lost me as a customer. they were no longer cheaper than ANYONE!  LOVE IT! ha, not ha

even Walmart has lost their minds & overcompensated: i.e. OVER-raised some prices where it doesn't even compete or make any sense at all. weird. 

Apr 18, 2022

Eve Ensler & a review of her book "the Apology", pedophiles/rapists, GUNS, etc. Oh Eve Eve Eve, what u have endured! as w/ur namesake, the 1st woman (if that's accurate that is)

the book, it's excellent, of course, but ouch!, it is painful & really rough at times, yet, also very beautiful. her descriptions & means of expression are quite lovely. i hope & pray that this "apology truly freed her. it's abominable what was done to her! oh God, especially the descriptions of what her father did (thru his eyes, per Eve), to her. the pedophile thought train truly made me shudder & squirm, was SO uncomfortable & disgusting to me that man/any men, can think that way, about a innocent child! It makes me SOOO bloody angry! So angry! I want them all to be castrated. Not all men, all pedophiles & rapists & child "seducers" (see also: RAPE!)  & it IS a choice! everything is a choice. it is their choice to allow themselves to go there! & once they do, forget it, all bets are off, they can justify anything in their minds & words from then on. that is why once 1 is caught, they need to be locked up & throw away the key. those desires & so called needs never go away. there is NO rehabilitation. at least, not from what i've ever read, heard, understood. besides that there are God knows only how many women/girls/boys/men that are forever destroyed or DEAD now because of these monsters who were LET OUT! for good behavior or some other asinine reason. again, men protecting men. especially white men! 

no, i'm not a man hater. i DO consider myself a feminist, but i also LOVE MEN. but here we (I) are talking about pedophiles/rapists/soul murderers. not the general population of men, but think about all the men we DON'T know about or haven't known about, that have gotten away w/all of this & DO currently get away w/all of this. it's disgusting, reprehensible! This & guns, our 2 biggest problems in this world currently, diseases aside. Well, I consider the above diseases as well, of their own kind.

Back to Eve, i was only familiar w/the Vagina Monologues, thus far, as her other works go & that is amazing as well. what she has endured! what she has overcome & survived (make no mistake, it IS survival to the nth degree, to survive this. i was told by a dr, many years back, that when u are abused verbally, physically, mentally, whatever, ESPECIALLY by someone u love, who supposedly loves you, that they "MURDER YOUR SOUL"!) to become the amazing, charismatic, supremely talented, far reaching, SUPERHERO of a woman & she is, a super hero of a woman. bless you Eve & may every dream u ever dreamed come true & all the happiness that u can stand as well. U are a true survivor! thank you for sharing your love & your talent w/all of us. :) 

Julie T. (trotter)

ps. i didn't edit this or anything, don't have time. just typed it up, started as an amazon book review & voila, here we are. or i am. cheers! :)

Feb 7, 2022

My semi review (finally!) of "Outlander", the BOOK, not the series (though it's based on the book. I read it back when it came out & the WHOLE series of books too!

 First, it is NOT a "glorified bodice ripper" at all! (As a review I glimpsed stated, though they still gave it like 4 stars!) so wth?) Yes, there is romance, love & lots of sex, but that is the least of the story, really. Well, it's the root of the story, but it's NOT danielle steele or barbara cartland, thank God!! I couldn't stomach that, let alone pick it up. There is so much history in these books (yes, i've read the entire series) & at 800 or so pages a pop (a book), u really think she is or could spending 800 ish pages bodice ripping? c'mon. Gabaldon is an intricate & detailed storyteller, but she keeps you interested & intrigued. you don't have to be an avaricious book lover like myself to get into the Outlander books. the friends i've recommend it to, some who aren't even readers at all, have told me things like "thanks so much for telling me about this/these, which one do i buy next, i need to get it FAST, before i end this" & "thanks for keeping me up all night, i couldn't put it down", on & on. that should go to show you how in depth you fall into these books. let me back up a bit, "Outlander" being the first book in the series is 1 of the best, the origin story, after all & granted I DID start reading them in my teens or 20's, a much more naive, innocent time for me, but I've re-read it at older ages & it holds up. Some of the others can drag a bit here & there, but many people just browse thru those parts they find boring, i.e. endless descriptions of battle scenes (the book before last comes to mind, the Revolutionary War, that went on & on & on & on), then the NEW book comes out & it's been so many yrs since the last (& her show got purchased in the meantime & she's been busy w/that i presume), that i forgot what the hell was even going on the in the last book & i've read 60 books since then. She starts in on Lord John shortly after the auspicious beginning, in the new book & i have almost zero interest in the topic & also what was even going on w/him in the prior book. so yes, that can be irritating & patience testing, for me anyway. i digress, I'm not reviewing the series or book #7, #8, whatever we're at now. So, I will restate: "Outlander", book 1, is a GREAT, entertaining book. I am a bit of a cynic when it comes to love, but oh I so believe in the love in this book & aspire to it as well. As we all do. Cheers :)

ps. as i said, just a semi review, i have so much more to say re outlander, big surprise huh? moi, having more to say? NEVER! haha. so yeah, just happened to glimpse some reviews of it whilst on Amazon & was like oh damn, i have to respond to that person who said it was a bodice ripper. glorified bodice ripper, though she STILL gave it like 4.5 outta 5 stars!? really? i think she doth protest too much. who rates something that high after dissing it? even i don't do that & i diss a lot of stuff. i can't help it. i'm very observant & picky & visual & like quality & we live in a crazy, violent, fucked up world! so sue me. well, don't sue me, but u know.......ciao :)