was just reading review about ovaltine. does it really get smaller every year? that's what the reviewer was saying. i haven't drank it steadily, though somewhat so, so i don't know. this led me to writing my own review on ovaltine & the more is more philosophy, instead of the less is more deal. i barely touch on it, but u get the point......anyone reading, IF anyone is reading?
anyway, ovaltine (choc. malt flavor & the others i'm sure) is flat out DELICIOUS!! only thing out there, to my knowledge, that is like this. malt, yet chocolate too, YET not all grossly sweet & so on. i HATE chocolate syrup & all those fake chocolatey things out there, but ovaltine is NOT like that. not saying it's like begian chocolate, just isn't overly sweet & doesn't have that gross fake chocolate thing. our world is "more more more/!" if something's good, add more! right? that seems to be the consensus. example: say u get a piece of chocolate cake that is divine. JUST RIGHT, right? but no, it's already perfect & delicious, so they then add (cause more of a good thing must be better is the thinking i presume) some horrible sickly sweet frosting which is gross & basically ruins it, but u can not eat the frosting, but then they add chocolate CHIPS to the cake & frosting as well. and then stick a big piece of par level chocolate on the TOP of the cake too. now u have a chocolate nightmare, but people gobble that stuff up.
so, my point was that ovaltine is delicious & PERFECT AS IS! :)
and then like fried foods, or foods that aren't so great for you, they do the same thing! like it's already fattening & not great for u, but then on top of whatever it is (which is fine at the status quo right?) they then top it w/cheese (even if there's already cheese) and sour cream & bacon & butter & on & on, you get my drift.
haha, now it sounds like i'm talking about a baked potato, which all of that IS delicious in a baked potato, though i haven't had one in a million yrs. OR even better, this recipe of my mom's that i'm aked to make for holiday gatherings, which is SOOOO delicious!! is like sex on a plate. well, maybe not sex, but something yum! it's like a casserole made out of plain hash browns (just the potatos, period, no seasonings, no butter, no nada), cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, green onions & sour cream, oh & butter, u mix all that stuff together (w.out the hash browns), on a hot stove & put the hash browns in a casserole & the pour the goo you've made over it & bake for an hr ish & then it's pure YUM!!!
oooh, love that stuff, haven't had it or made it for years. or MY chicken parmigiana. which is SO NOT the italian restauraunts version. blech! that kind is gross. all breaded w/the sauce & an inch of cheese melted on top. sooo not like that. mine is chicken breast & i make my own moistener (w/dijon mustard, worchestshire sauce, some butter, FRESH garlic, THaT is the hot ticket! that makes it, the fresh garlic! etc.) then i moisten it in there (the chicken), then i put it in a bag & shake it basically to coat it w/again: MY OWN mixture of stuff. delicious! not telling what i use for that but it's so good. the u place in a baking dish & bake for an hour, give or take. so it's KINDA breaded, but nowhere NEAR the kind of breading at the restaurants & soooo much healthier! and NOT fried! and NO gross cheese melted on top & no sauce.
it's deliciousa!
wth am i writing all this stuff? i got off on a tangent. gee, imagine that. ME on a tangent!>? NEVER!! haha.
yah, okay, gotta split. oh i know, the review thing & then it's about 2pm now & i've not had ONE bite of food or drink ALL DAY & so i'm starving. hence the writing about food & recipes. so yep. k, need to eat something. ahhhh am listening to an old, old hall & oates song "she's gone".
"i'd pay the devil to replace her", ahh now THAT is love! or lust! or loving lust. either way, all good.
LOVE!! i love love. i need love, i want love. i'm just putting that out there.
cheers! & ciao & much love to all :)
I am here to write, I'm a writer and I need to get around to writing on HERE more! I started this page initially because i'm a Makeup artist/Esthetican/Hairdresser and that's one of my passions and i would love to give advice or answer any questions to anyone who needs it. So, if you have any, don't be shy! Thanks :)
bad customer service
bad manners
crazy men
delusional people
no balls
skin advice
the Bachelor
"teen mom" farrah abraham and her weird looking plastic surgery
3rd party sellers
ANA LUISA jewelry review
American Idol
EBAY and PAYPAL are a RIP-OFF. EBAY and PAYPAL lie to you. EBAY and PAYPAL hidden charges. EBAY and PAYPAL will take money out of your acct whenever they feel like it
FLOSS Mascara Review
Immaculate movie review
KARMA......blah blah
Kaleido Blush - Primadonna Review
Les Miserables review
Mirage car wash-lomita (really rolling hills/palos verdes)
NO Vanilla VISA GCs
OLAY Total Effects Line and Dark Circle Minimizing Brush
ON TRAC Shipping-DO NOT USE! total nightmare On Trac. they are NOT "On Trac" at all. they are OFF trac! track
Sydney Sweeney
Tall Kitchen trash bag quality (or lack thereof)
all that beautiful wanna have it stuff that we don't necessarily think we can have anymore
are men not men anymore
b*&ching & moaning
bad food
bad website layout
better skin care
big brother internet
blah blah
blah blah blah
blogger mess
can't sleep
cell phone company issues
character defects
chynna phillips is a huge bitch
chynna phillips is an idiot
clothes men vs. women
company issues
cosmetic procedures
deformed feet
delivery service
don't lie in your products. no false advertising. no strong arming tactics please
drug abuse
ease of gun ownership
entertainment value
expenses. life is hard!
expenses. walmart too expensive!
facebook removing your posts. wtf? freedom of speech! social media a-holes (owners)
film remakes
foreign films
gays who don't admit it. bi-sexual. pretending
getting FAMOUS for NOTHING
getting ripped off. paying shipping for no shipping. assholes
girl with the dragon tattoo
great films
great singers
guilty pleasures
gun violence
high heels
i know. was a pun.
i'm lost
impatience. irritation. me babbling. :P
instant gratification
link everything together whether you want to or not.
mascara opinion
masked man
money wasted
most high film review
muscle milk
never can take blame
night owl
non lasting relationships
not giving anyone packages
not so great singers. FANTASTIC ACTORS! french literature at it's finest!
not sure what these labels r for. keywords is my guess. for search engines?
only ASSIGN blame. selfish
ontrac shipping
pain in the ass time wasting for naught
papa johns
payment issues
people knowing who they really are
people there is NO such product to fulfill ANY of these claims
peter pan syndrome
plastic surgery
priorities in the WRONG place
privacy issues
relationship advice
school shooting in GA
school shootings
self-centered men. models with watermelon sized boobs. "top models". an oxymoron
sha gua
shipping delays. buying used item that's overpriced & still never received YET!
shit customer service and website
skin care
stress +immune
stupid internet lingo
subscribe & save
sweet people
tea bag quality
the bachelorette
the masked man
treating women well
truth in writing/journalism
unrealistic ideals and expectations
uptight people
what happened to chivalry
what is expected from women these days
what men really want
women's bodies
youth/beauty obsessed culture
Dec 12, 2017
Nov 23, 2017
so i just googled buy cheap colgate baking soda & peroxide toothpaste & of course a list of sites w/the pics side by side comes up w/the prices (i wanted to compare, see who was lowest, for once) & walmart, target, etc. are listed and then THIS store & this stores was the CHEAPEST BY FAR!! it says $1.82 o $1.62, so i click on the link & guess what? it's $2.66 on the site!!! same price or more than the others. this has happened to me a handful of times or more. see/find this GREAT price, then u click on the link & it's not that price at ALL! if this were not online, i would understand, but it IS online & this is supposed to be CURRENT INFORMATION RIGHT??
this is not some HUGE, life changing ordeal or anything, just an aside really, but for once i decided to actually post something re this phenomenon (haha). so there u have it......
INSTA UPDATE: OKAY, oops caps, check THIS out, i started to write a review, only STARTED!! just a couple of sentences & a heading & i then opened another tab, went to google again, to verify the low price i had seen & was typing & guess what? it had ALREADY CHANGED!!!! in that very short amount of seconds, BIG BROTHER somehow knew what i was saying & it got updated or changed to the CORRECT price!! because what r the odds that whatever/however/whenever that stuff changes, that it just so happened to change the instant that i was writing about it?? the odds of that are VERY LOW i would say!
i've already posted (on here?) re: facebook & mark zuckerberg (burg?) & the patent application for them being able to view ALL OF US while we are on fb, or even if it's open, to "see what mood we are in, in order to put up effective advertising, for what we need/want to buy, etc" (i'm paraphrasing). and we all know that we are already all listened to, monitored through our phones (both kinds: land & cell) & cameras everywhere & so on.
a contractor i was working w/recently was telling me that his friend or relative (?) was at someone else's house, looking online at or for something, had not put ANY PERSONAL INFO ON THAT COMPUTER AT ALL....& later went home, & when he went on HIS computer, ads for what he had been looking for over at his friends house, on THEIR computer, having put in NO personal info on himself (i know, i'm repeating myself but i feel it's necessary here), immediately began popping up & making themselves known on HIS computer!!! oooooooooh!! eerie! creepy!! they r watching us already, more than we know. me NO likey this! not one bit! and NO! no chips in the arm, or hand for ME!!
PS. am on my laptop, apparently i accidentally hit or finger overshoots whilst typing & gets onto the wrong key,, at least partially right? i dont' even know what key it is. but the action it performs is to screen shot my page for the cloud, i don't even USE the cloud. this has happened countless times. God only knows (what i'd be without u...............doo da doo doo. anyway...) just happened again "this screenshot was added to your one drive" pops up in the right hand corner & there is a big cloud above this statement. i don't even know what or where my one drive IS! but there apparently are thousands, millions of these "screenshots" on my one drive.
my point is, maybe that is part of what i was speaking of as well??? hmmmm
PPS. no, i'm far from paranoid & not into conspiracy theories (for the most part, cause there are tons of things that are not as they appear or we are TOLD things that are not true or accurate constantly), that's just common sense & common knowledge, but i'm not someone who thinks about or looks for those type of things.
haha, probably doesn't help that i'm rereading "the handmaid's tale" again, for only the 2nd time. first time i read it, i was a teenager. now i'm older & i can appreciate it even more. her writing especially, she is an EXCELLENT WRITER!!! Margaret Atwood. I'm gonna have to get more of her books, her writing is gorgeous! okay, back to unpacking. it never ends. sigh
this is not some HUGE, life changing ordeal or anything, just an aside really, but for once i decided to actually post something re this phenomenon (haha). so there u have it......
INSTA UPDATE: OKAY, oops caps, check THIS out, i started to write a review, only STARTED!! just a couple of sentences & a heading & i then opened another tab, went to google again, to verify the low price i had seen & was typing & guess what? it had ALREADY CHANGED!!!! in that very short amount of seconds, BIG BROTHER somehow knew what i was saying & it got updated or changed to the CORRECT price!! because what r the odds that whatever/however/whenever that stuff changes, that it just so happened to change the instant that i was writing about it?? the odds of that are VERY LOW i would say!
i've already posted (on here?) re: facebook & mark zuckerberg (burg?) & the patent application for them being able to view ALL OF US while we are on fb, or even if it's open, to "see what mood we are in, in order to put up effective advertising, for what we need/want to buy, etc" (i'm paraphrasing). and we all know that we are already all listened to, monitored through our phones (both kinds: land & cell) & cameras everywhere & so on.
a contractor i was working w/recently was telling me that his friend or relative (?) was at someone else's house, looking online at or for something, had not put ANY PERSONAL INFO ON THAT COMPUTER AT ALL....& later went home, & when he went on HIS computer, ads for what he had been looking for over at his friends house, on THEIR computer, having put in NO personal info on himself (i know, i'm repeating myself but i feel it's necessary here), immediately began popping up & making themselves known on HIS computer!!! oooooooooh!! eerie! creepy!! they r watching us already, more than we know. me NO likey this! not one bit! and NO! no chips in the arm, or hand for ME!!
PS. am on my laptop, apparently i accidentally hit or finger overshoots whilst typing & gets onto the wrong key,, at least partially right? i dont' even know what key it is. but the action it performs is to screen shot my page for the cloud, i don't even USE the cloud. this has happened countless times. God only knows (what i'd be without u...............doo da doo doo. anyway...) just happened again "this screenshot was added to your one drive" pops up in the right hand corner & there is a big cloud above this statement. i don't even know what or where my one drive IS! but there apparently are thousands, millions of these "screenshots" on my one drive.
my point is, maybe that is part of what i was speaking of as well??? hmmmm
PPS. no, i'm far from paranoid & not into conspiracy theories (for the most part, cause there are tons of things that are not as they appear or we are TOLD things that are not true or accurate constantly), that's just common sense & common knowledge, but i'm not someone who thinks about or looks for those type of things.
haha, probably doesn't help that i'm rereading "the handmaid's tale" again, for only the 2nd time. first time i read it, i was a teenager. now i'm older & i can appreciate it even more. her writing especially, she is an EXCELLENT WRITER!!! Margaret Atwood. I'm gonna have to get more of her books, her writing is gorgeous! okay, back to unpacking. it never ends. sigh
Aug 8, 2017
VAGINA LIPSTICK!!! & VAGINAL RECONSTRUCTION/REJUVENATION.........RETARDINATION (yes, i just made up a word. was necessary)
ok, check this out people. are u sitting down? ur minds might be blown! guess what the GREAT BRAINS in our society have been working on & at last finished & released? it could CHANGE THE WORLD!!! omg, are u ready??? i don't know.
ok, here it is: VAGINA LIPSTICK! vagina lipstick!? are u kidding me? what in God's name does anyone need vagina lipstick for?? and this is coming from ME, a Makeup Artist! someone who LOVES makeup!! and even i find this beyond idiotic! right along w/the latest plastic surgery trend (pretty soon gonna be a world full of look alike mannequins w/big tits as is!), of "vaginal reconstruction/rejuvenation". unless someone had a baby that was a ford pinto, there is NO NEED FOR THIS!! another hideous/painful/expensive/totally retarded thing that women do for MEN that don't even notice if u shaved your legs let alone how rejuvenated your vagina is! so lame & stupid. if u have money like that to burn, how about HELPING people that need help? u can simply look around you, or even read a page of news & find 30 needy causes in front of your face! sheesh people. get a grip!
i could add to this. go on & on, BUT i have to run, so i don't have time. perhaps i'll come back to it? who can say
Feb 8, 2017
COPS, WHY THEY DO (& DON'T DO) WHAT THEY DO (& DON'T DO)......(i.e. all congregating together for HOURS for no needed reason while there is REAL crime going on out there...
here is another thing i don't understand (whoa! why is the type all huge now? they changed something & i accidentally keep taking screen shots somehow w/my fingers. have taken millions never seen 'em) anyway.....something that perplexes me. COPS!!!! okay u w/me? i just tuned into a few mins of the news & there was a chase, of course, many, many hrs ago, all done, taken care of, blah blah. and one car was hit in the chase & a woman pulled out. again: hours & hrs ago. YET....there are 80,000 cops standing around just chewing the fat. WTF? WHYYYY do they always do this?> i experienced this the last time I was pulled over. every cop that was on duty anywhere showed up to again just fucking chit chat & it took like 30 of them to locate a notebook in the cops trunk to be clear on some law regarding my registration. are there not a milion other things they could & should be doing?? on TV it was like every cop in southern cali. seriously it looked like an army was being formed. THEN the next story was a DEAD BODY discovered. guess how many cops were there? NOT ONE! i shit u not!
seriously these guys are being paid by OUR TAXES (sound like my parents now haha) to "protect & serve" not fucking play follow the leader (which there is none truly) & congregate in the hundreds. it's really irritating. i can find a ton of things for them to do to be productive! for starters how about finding more dirt on Trump? there is so much, i'm surprised we can't see it floating in the air next to us & just grab particles. ;) ewww, i hate even typing his name. no, that's not their job, am being facetious. that's the fed govt.'s job, which is another thing i'm perplexed by: they PROVED that putin fucked w/the votes to shame hilarie yet NOTHING IS DONE! he still becomes pres. what is happening to this country? are we going into a dictatorship? going back to Hitler times & the KKK (the cabinet as you've seen, the travel ban, the little baby throwing Twitter tantrums). i digress back to the cops..... hey guys: how about that dead body right by where u were? that doesn't even deserve a drive by or a look-see, let alone a congregation of u all?? yeah a murderer. that would be good to get on. or go start another chase eh? but i guess u need a break.
ps. (oops nother accidental screen shot, where do they go? my one drive whatever that is. oh & another, don't ask me what i'm hitting here) yeah PS. before anyone jumps down my throat that is a cop or that loves cops, i do NOT hate cops or think they ALL r bad ok? there r good cops & so on. there also is a TON of system abuse. tons. and bullies on parade. again: i have experienced & witnessed it myself NUMEROUS times. or u can just look on youtube. cheers ;)
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