as an Esthetician, etc. anything like this (i.e. the jade rollers) is EXCELLENT for your skin. your facial skin. well, any of it really, but this is shaped & geared towards your face. it IS better than a roller, because of the way it's made. the steel (which is cool to the touch, can/will also remove puffiness), is easy to sterilize/sanitize (important don't forget to do that between uses, nothing too caustic or stripping though, an alcohol pad swipe) between uses. the benefits of massage are well known, google them. u can remove toxins, lymph, dirt from pores, etc. it can firm ur skin, because it increases collagen production & other benefits. i could type for days on this, but i won't. but DO make sure, most importantly to put a non-comedogenic clogging oil or moisturizer on your face BEFORE using it!! wash w/mild cleanser afterwards, unless ur going to bed, u can leave it as a treatment. (Though i prefer a wash, then re-adding a treatment if it's night or u aren't going to wear makeup & go out for the day). u do NOT want to be tugging or pulling at your delicate skin, especially the eye area: the thinnest skin on our bodies that has no pores, w/out some slippage (the oil/moisture), but don't be an oil slick either. haha, i feel like i'm giving a skin class here. oops, my review. so yes, excellent product & GREAT deal! very smart of them, the price point. the size is perfect. it should be durable, it's steel for goodness sake! & the functionality, i already spoke to, the curvature of this is perfect for the valleys & angles of our facial structures. :)
My thoughts, whatever they may be. About men, dating, life. Makeup/skin/hair advice! you name it!
I am here to write, I'm a writer and I need to get around to writing on HERE more! I started this page initially because i'm a Makeup artist/Esthetican/Hairdresser and that's one of my passions and i would love to give advice or answer any questions to anyone who needs it. So, if you have any, don't be shy! Thanks :)
Mar 3, 2025
Feb 16, 2025
Filterbaby Review!
i got 2 filterbaby's in the last couple/few months. installed them. which IS pretty easy. the biggest problem i had was getting the little thing off of MY sinks! so not a filterbaby issue but finding the gaskets to go onto my sink was a big problem, even w/all of the choices. they wouldn't screw into my faucet easily or AT ALL once the gasket was on. i had to go gasket-less on one sink, but it doesn't leak, so that's good. the 2nd sink, it did leak & i didn't install that one til like a month later, as i was dreading screwing the faucet piece off, but it came off quite easily. was the gasket problem again though. so, i had a male friend install that part for me. once u install, you're golden though.
though the 1st sink is now being weird & when i have it on tap it stars pouring water our HARD, like splashing me & my entire bathroom. no joke. it doesn't do that on eco or filter though.
onto the benefits that i perceive. okay i have a LOT of minerals in my water where i've lived the last 6 yrs or so. it leaves residue EVERYWHERE! it's really annoying. so i notice w/the filterbabys installed it has greatly (if not completely) cut out/off that dang mineral residue. on my electric toothbrush stand, my sink, etc. i REALLY wanted these for my skin (i'm an Esthetician/Cosmetologist/Makeup Artist), so i'm ALL about SKIN!! i see & feel a difference in my skin. less breakouts, it feels softer (though it's always been really soft), it's soft-ER, which is great. it looks better to, so i'm ALL about that!! i read where someone says it tastes like a heavenly elixir. i don't notice that. i've tried it, tastes normal to me, but i drink filtered water already.
something i AM upset about is that BOTH of my filters came w/an insert saying if u do a review, u will get a FREE FILTER for each filter that u have & review. i emailed the company, got the link to go do it & the page says 50% OFF filters after u do 3 different reviews PER filter. wow, talk about forcing something! that's a falsity. false advertising! u can't tell someone one thing inside the box & another after they start to comply to get the said thing!
Jan 28, 2025
Immigration Policies in the U.S. - A Historical timeline (VIA my old friend Steve Cesares)
For those who TL:DR
· “Illegal Immigrant” is a racist dog whistle. Use it at your own peril in this group.
· Immigration policy is heavily influenced by corporations who want cheap labor. They do it to lower costs and undermine unions.
· Immigration policy is heavily influenced by racism. If it wasn’t racist, naturalization would be easier and not take years or decades to complete.
· 40% of migration is done via airports and seaports. 80% of all immigration happens via a city center. Building a wall in rural wastelands does not stop 80% of immigration.
· Conservatives have to understand that their policies (mass deportations, denial of citizenship applications, restricted worker program) makes the immigration situation worse. Your ideas are bad and they don’t work. Also, when democrats compromise with you and do what you ask, you move the goal posts. Obama and Biden adopted GOP immigration policy and the GOP wanted something worse.
We have been having this discussion for over 50 years. We are done dealing with willful ignorance or obvious racism.
Post-Civil War – The Federal Government takes it over because the states were fucking it up. We have case law where states would refuse immigrants over being Catholic, Irish or some other shitty weird reason.
Prior to WWI – Mass Deportations were common and often included citizens. Again, the purpose of mass deportations is not about illegal immigration, it’s about getting people you don’t want out of the country. The U.S. created Concentration Camps and used them on the Indigenous. California was “White Washed” at the turn of the last century as the federal government deported Mexican Americans who were citizens for three generations to make way for Easterners who were tired of seeing “Non White Americans”.
During WWI – Mass deportations stops because we needed the labor for the war effort
Great Depression – Mass deportations start up again because of economic hardship. While white farmers from the plains and midwest suffered from discrimination when they tried to find work in California, I need to point out that Mexicans were largely evicted from the state to make room for them.
WWII – Mass deportations stops once again because we needed the labor. However, a formalized system known as the Bracero system would stay in place until the mid-60s, allowing easy access to worker visas and unlimited renewals. Undocumented workers would be under 1% of the US population during this time frame
1960s – The Bracero system is shut down, largely due to state pressure (Texas) who wanted to stop immigrants from working in their state. Texas started a college worker program to have college athletes work the field. It was a dismal failure because the students didn’t want to work in those conditions.
Immigration stays in this limbo state. While it allows worker visas and renewals, naturalization is made purposefully rare and difficult to obtain. Many people come here wanting to be citizens, but they are denied and delayed for years, if not decades.
1980s – Reagan offers legal sanctuary and pathways to naturalization for millions of immigrants who have worked for years in the country with no real way to become citizens. However, the formal process to be naturalized is not reformed or expanded. Reagan basically did a onetime executive order but never did anything to fix a system that causes undocumented workers to exist.
1990s – At this time, there is an estimate 3 million immigrants working in the US with varying degrees of documentation. Some are able to get visas others work under the table. In 1994, the GOP Congress and Clinton sign a bill changing immigration policy to worker visas. Basically, you could get a worker visa, work for two years, get a two-year extension, and then had to leave. No more work and no ways to become a citizen.
Before this change, an average of about 3 million undocumented workers existed in the US due to a lack of a naturalization process that was effect (The right way people keep talking about). After this law changes, the number of undocumented workers in the use explodes. Depending on the year and economic situations, the number of undocumented workers varies between 10 and 15 million people (3% of the US population).
Obama Administration – As an olive branch to the GOP, the democratic party adopts immigration policies that the GOP wants. This was done during the Great Recession and was seen as a way to cater to white voters who felt threatened by undocumented workers. This started in 2010 and continues to this day.
2016 FTG (Fuck that Guy: My name for Trump) – He removes the political asylum provisions of immigration and shut down the immigration process entirely. He expands the camps and separates families. This is all done to make immigration painful and dangerous to all involved. Children in cages become the norm and is not undone until he loses in 2020. We still have 10,000 children unaccounted for. Most people they have been adopted by American families for religious conversion.
2025 – Now we are in 2025 and we have raids in workplaces. We could solve immigration with paperwork and naturalization, but the GOP wants to do it with guns and soldiers. We could solve immigration with policy, but the GOP wants to do it with cruelty.
Immigration has been made difficult the same way an abuser makes things difficult for a family to be healthy. It’s not about being “Legal” it’s about making sure the laws allow you to beat up, rape and kill foreigners without consequence.
Dec 27, 2024
Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags (citrus flavor) REVIEW...they have gotten CRAPPY!!
Review i posted on Amazon, where i buy these on subscribe & save for YEARS, but they've gotten crappy lately & i want my review to be everywhere i can put it. who used to do reviews of products for the public to keep the companies honest & all of that. wasn't there a tv show when i was a little kid about that stuff? who does that now? anyone? i mean sure, the internet, but not like i mean. hmm, someone should be doing that, big time, have another show on tv or something. again, to keep quality GOOD & big companies honest!
i've been using these for years now & they seemed pretty good & strong before, but in recent months, maybe longer(?) they have gotten shabby, cheap!! i don't know what is going on here w/this company & these trash bags, but they claim to be "ULTRA STRONG" & they are soooo not anymore!! i have holes, big holes open in them simply putting them into my trash can,or pulling them out or even just TOUCHING them. what the heck is going on Hefty? this is NOT acceptable!! u guys are 1 of the priciest brands out there, you'd better fix your product or you're going to lose a LOT of customers, myself included & soon!!
Dec 12, 2024
YOGI Elderberry & Lemon Balm Tea Stress + Immune system REVIEW, the bags are wonky, the tea is delicious! & effective it seems...
okay, i pretty much love the tea itself & the packaging is good, but here is what i want to know...WHY is it that sooo many of the bags leak or tear or have holes in them?? i'm not 100% sure which it is, as i don't SEE any holes or tears or leaks in the bags when i put them in the cup. while i'm steeping it, i am VERY careful, because i'm sick & tired of drinking mouthfuls of HERBS instead of tea. so, they are leaking or hole-y or tearing at some point in the cup? i'm guessing there are bigger holes than i'm seeing or they're getting minor tears once in the cup AND/OR they are made poorly & leak out somehow. though i have examined them usually after i use them & remove them from the cup after i've had the tea. i only ever use 1 bag per cup too. so they aren't "overused", though many people do do that, i have in the past.
so Yogi company can u PLEASE do some better quality control w/your tea bags. this is NOT cheap tea, no tea is cheap anymore. nothing is cheap anymore. greedflation abounds everywhere, especially in stores, supermarkets, food items. everyone jumped on the greed wagon, it's ridiculous & insane, as well as wrong. greed, greed, greed!! it's an ugly trait, especially in companies that are supposed to be all about pleasing the customers. you all gonna please us by bending us over? bankrupting us? making us all struggle to make ends meet? i saw ONE box of this tea, here on walmart being sold for $90!!! NINETY DOLLARS for ONE BOX OF TEA!!!? can u imagine! i saw aa similar price like that on here as well for 1 roll of paper towels, 1 roll. was $40 or something equally insane. i think they were both 3rd party sellers, NOT walmart themselves, but walmart has been on the bandwagon for SURE! doubling, tripling, quadrupling (& more) prices overnight, no joke. okay, i'll get off my soapbox for now. :)
ps. the tea costs MORE $$ on here, the tea's official website/maker than anyplace else i've seen it! there goes what i was just speaking of again. imagine that. haha ;)
Nov 1, 2024
if u want to save $$ online when shopping, use this! no joke. and mention me so i get credit too (same goes 4 ur friends who use it) :)
Oct 15, 2024
satisfaction survey re (low) offers on ebay, EBAY SELLER SATISFACTION & HELP: see zero basically!
this is a very quickly typed response to a simple survey question from ebay regarding what i think of the "offers" i get on there. I let shit fly obviously, they have screwed me over SO many times. just kept my money out of greed, not giving a crap, greed, not giving...(haha u get the point). i had FOURTEEN "returns", items never received, blatant theft of my money that they NEVER refunded or took care of, though i reported them asap & took all the proper steps, filed claims. made & signed affidavits, u name it. was a whole scheme deal by the sellers, (that they let continue to sell), u couldn't even leave negative feedback, as it was not within the shipping time they specified (over 90 days), big old mess. they also have NOT refunded shipping i bought but couldn't print out, many times. they have forced me to refund damaged orders (thanks to shippers or customer to get something free), telling me i was covered & wouldn't lose my funds, then reneged on their promises. u can't reach a live person to save ur life, literally. so here is my "survey" below: (they asked what i thought of them charging people asap who offered lowered purchase prices. weird question huh?)
i think that's good. i wish u didn't take so much of OUR $$ though! it used to be so much less AND u used to let US keep our own tax! shipping is NOT free either. poshmark & other sites let the sellers keep about 90% or MORE of their sales. also, u have NOT REFUNDED SHIPPING I PAID FOR & DIDN"T USE & CONTACTED U THE MOMENT I DIDN'T USE IT & MANY TIMES AFTER. U DID NOT HAVE MY A-Z GUARANTEE COVERAGE OR MY BACK, THOUGH THAT'S WHAT I WAS PROMISED AFTER AN ORDER GOT SMASHED BY BUYER OR POST OFFICE!!
(further survey question here:) u could stop ME from being UNPAID by YOU, EBAY! *see above*! that would improve my experience GREATLY, i can go sell my products elsewhere & stop u from getting MY money. that would help me also. also having LIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP ON THE PHONE, not only recordings that then hang up on you would be VERY HELPFUL especially when u promise to have us covered! u have quite the little system of non-help going on. everything is "go read this article for help". when did articles ever HELP someone w/a live person needed issue? not that i WANT to call u or anyone regarding ANY problems. that is just more stress. never a good thing one has to do, so why would someone be searching that out? bored, dumb people w/too much time on their hands? u can easily filter them out. instead, u filter EVERYONE OUT! THAT is bad customer service period.
NO business/company is SO great or SO irreplaceable as to not lose business & sellers & customers. we are ALL your bread & butter, your precious money, right? ur lifeblood. u should REALLY care for your sellers MUCH more, like at all, would be great for a start. TY
Sep 25, 2024
L'Occitane Cleansing & Softening Almond Shower Oil L'Occitane (Body Wash) Review.
$30 basically for less than 9 OUNCES of SHOWER GEL! SOAP. $30 SOAP is what u are paying for. yes, they add oil, fragrance, "quality ingredients", but u can buy great HUGE bottles of shower gel with quality ingredients for $8, $6, less & even a bit more. generally, under $10!! they are TOO greedy & overpriced! i'm a makeup artist, esthetician & cosmetologist. i know all about skin, skin care, makeup, etc. i have studied it my whole life, worked in those fields, even in movies, etc. & i know all about ingredients. the general public may not, but it's not a good look!
yes, it leaves ur skin soft, yes, it smells great of almond oil, but then again so to millions of others! no pun intended on the millions. :)
Sep 24, 2024
this particular store has DESTROYED THE SALADS from El Pollo Loco! totally!! they have changed the cilantro salad dressing, to be cheap i'm sure. there is no longer any resemblance to the original cilantro salad dressing. just gone! i think they were watering it down w/something bad til they fully switched it over. to try to fool the customers they ALL deny that it has changed. i have asked about it & mentioned it numerous times. many of the employees have not been there long enough to notice or don't eat the salads. it HAS CHANGED! it's bad. awful. horrible taste. tastes like a really cheap, bad ranch or green goddess, the horrible old-school salad dressing (blech!) there's a reason they stopped making that one. i recall it from when i was a little kid & no one like it! like the ken's cheap ass packet they hand out for ranch. they try to make it a bit green, but check out other pollo's AND more importantly, the commercials. it is the old/original dressing on the commercials! i even have SAVED original (not all that long ago) cilantro dressing. looks completely different, tastes completely different & BAD! there is NO cilantro in it! that u can taste anyway, or see really. i can't believe they would DO THIS! are allowed to do this? doesn't the brand care about it's product? it's quality? it's reputation? i guess not. they are NOT cheap either & the quality & quantity has gone down, down, down. they have scrawny little cheap chickens now; they aren't marinated half the time. wth are they doing? it's all greed & greedflation. doesn't EVERYONE know that the key to running/keeping a successful business is QUALITY! send graham norton here or to any of the locations. woe to them if that were to happen. aired on tv, written about everywhere, informing MILLIONS of people how crap they have become. why do restaurants, companies always seem to start out great (when they do), then start to take shortcuts & turn to crap? i don't understand it. please the customer! that IS ur business. i know a lot of people don't give a crap what they put in their mouth, & eat any garbage, including fat, gristle, things that have gone bad. no offense to anyone, but my palate is too choosy & so is my mind. i want what i pay for! properly done too. also, the shrimp salads, which is the last 2 things i got from them in last 2 months? the flavor is good on the shrimp (they will give u colon issues though), but they are SO overcooked it's ridiculous. they are hard, chewy as hell & like at least doubly overcooked. c'mon! then the rest of the salad is a joke. like salad from a mix bag, a few pepitas (too few), WAAY less avocado than pictured & advertised. oh, a sprinkle of cotija cheese. like a few dots. ur lucky if u see it or taste it. so, u basically have a plain salad w/some tiny, hard shrimp, a tablespoon of avocado & some gross salad dressing for $14? really?
and YES, i realize that the cost of EVERYTHING has gone up & probably continues to go up, but so have all of their prices, along w/everyone else's. "oh, we have an overhead & our supplies are really expensive" blah blah, but again, their prices have doubled & more. u shouldn't go into or stay in a business if u are going to let ur quality go to crap! many don't notice or care is their thought? maybe they don't? customers i mean? i don't know how many do, but every customer is important to a business! each & every customer. their money, their influence on friends, family, the INTERNET, word of mouth, all of it plays a part. indeed. :)
Sep 8, 2024
review on an ANA LUISA piece of jewelry i got, a ring, a gold, braided ring. it's sterling that's gold plated or something like that?
this is a review i posted on the site i got it from.
my ring does NOT match the picture. it is all wonky. thick & thin & not even at all. it could be said "this is designer" so it's not supposed to be "perfect", but the pictured ones look like they are perfect & even. of course, they aren't going to picture some uneven wonky thing, right? i think it also states "designed by ana luisa" made in china on the package? if i'm not mistaken. so, outsourcing for cheaper labor to other countries, is not uncommon. i don't personally agree w/it, especially when so many jobs are needed here in this country, but i'm not here to discuss political concepts. i have a few of her items & same w/them. crooked, not uniform, some badly so.
i just think for the price point she has set (& it's NOT real gold for starters), that there should be a LOT more attention paid to quality control.
btw: i have the SAME EXACT RING DESIGN IN SILVER! sterling silver. i have had it for 20 plus years. it is a bit larger, the braid, it's totally perfect though in execution & it was NOT pricey at all! no designer name, just a random silver ring, i think i bought it in venice beach on the boardwalk? u know, just cheap vendors, (as in price). it's lasted perfectly. :)
that's the main reason i chose thing ring "oh i can get it in gold (color) too! cool". not so much. wah wahh