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Nov 1, 2013

My review of OLAY TOTAL EFFECTS 7 in 1 Anti-aging moisturizer....

I would agree w/the post below this. As a Esthetician/Makeup Artist/Cosmetologist, it IS nice to be able to use just one product instead of a handful. And being an expert on skin, skin care & products myself & having tried almost everything under the sun, I DO agree that Olay Total Effects is a pretty great moisturizer, and it is just one step, which is fabulous!!
No more first putting on your anti-aging/rejuvenating serum, then your eye cream, then perhaps another treatment cream, THEN finally topping it all off w/your moisturizer, to feel that you are getting all of the effects (no pun) and benefits that you want & require.
So, to get down to brass tax...... you know that w/products in general, they are all basically the same, some have differing or additional ingredients that MAY work a tiny bit better, smell a bit better or more luxurious, have a better, fancier package that makes you feel decadent, or that you are getting a much more effective product, because if it costs a fortune, it's got to be great right? Or even no smell at all, which has been the huge trend for awhile now, as fragrances can mess with sensitive skin, or people find them objectible, but what you are REALLY paying for is the BRAND, the label!! The "status" of the company, who their demographic is, meaning rich or not rich.
Of course there is always the "newest, latest, most cutting edge technology" or some newly discovered ingredient that becomes the MUST have & that every product sooner or later ends up putting into their product, following the leader. Hello grape seed oil, lipids, vitamin C, retinol, retinoids, emu oil (which i've been using for YEARS), all kinds of "free-radical" fighting antioxidant ingredients. There is always a new "discovery" for such things. The latest are things like: rhamnose, glycans (which is thought to be an offshoot of glycolic acid which IS good for your skin, but usually in medical strength, like when you're getting a glycolic peel), well you get the point.
A shampoo is a shampoo, you are simply paying 400% more for a name & that is all. They all have cleansing agents & the usual ingredients.  Point being that a skin cream is a skin cream, some are superior to others in miniscule ways, but no one has any miracles to offer, regardless of what they claim. It is the mere fact of taking CARE of your skin & moisturizing, cleansing, exfoliating, etc. etc., regularly, that alone keeps you ahead of the game.
It's like oiling & caring for a leather bag or pair of shoes, for example, or even keeping your lips moisturized, (I could go on for DAYS about that topic! And how my lips have remained young, moist & perfect always, because of my addiction to KEEPING my lips moisturized w/emollients 24/7, & that's only for starters!), you are preventing it that much more from becoming cracked, dry. That alone will keep your skin younger! Keeping it moisturized.
Olay IS a good product, it does have the 7 needs covered & it DOES do what it claims to do (again, no miracles here, but skin care-taking), but that is all you need right? A product that covers it's claims and keeps your skin soft, supple and moist. Those 3 things are the signs of a "healthy skin": a soft, supple & moist texture. That is what you always want to strive for.
Also, I give it added points for being SO reasonably priced!! You are NOT going to get better results (except maybe in your head) from a Creme de la Mer that retails for $300 and such, or a Chanel that is just about as pricey, or a Guinot (ditto on the price), though i do have to say that some of those pricier creams MAY have a better consistency/texture, smell, as they have more than plentiful the funds to add slightly more expensive ingredients & for much more extensive & expensive advertising & packaging. Again, though, you are simply looking for results, regardless of the product or the price.
So in essence, in a long winded way, I have just expounded on the fact that the Olay Total Effects IS a good moisturizer and it does the job you need it to do, WITH an affordable price! In fact, I will state that ALL of the Olay products are quite great & they have been for years & years.
I remember as a little girl, and growing up, always watching my Grandmother go through her beauty routine & in all of those years, she ALWAYS used Oil of Olay, the basic & only moisturizer that they had at the time. It had a really great smell *kind of like roses & a really great feel as well, & my Grandmother always looked years & years, decades even, younger than her age & I credit a huge amount of that to Olay! I always followed her lead & moisturized with Oil of Olay as a young child, later a teenager, & so on. I firmly believe, or even KNOW that that is why I always have had great, wonderful & amazing skin! Because of the product, but more so, always having taken excellent care of my skin.
So kudos to Olay for doing such a great job & not making you break the bank.

Oct 30, 2013


what DID happen to chivalry, and isn't it (or wasn't it) IN the NATURE of men to want to cherish, spoil, adore, take care of (not just financially or always financially, lest it be thought i'm saying i'm a gold digger or looking for a man to TOTALLY take care of me. that's not what i'm saying, but you know the sentiment would be nice for a change!) women?? whatever happened to that?
is it only older men who still do that or feel that way? and do all of them even feel that way? is it a dying art? a dying breed? because these days it seems that there has been a role reversal. that men want the WOMEN to be the ones supporting THEM & spoiling them & adoring them AND also, while taking care of all of the financial aspects, to be sure to also still do EVERYTHING that a woman is "supposed to do", meaning clean the house, do the laundry, pay the bills (w/her money of course), cook the meals, have the children, RAISE the children, be the happy homemaker while also being THE breadwinner. sure, maybe sometimes she is the 50/50 partner, but even if she is "only" doing 50 percent of the cash earning, she is still expected to do all of the housewifey things as well, so in essence she is doing 150% of everything, whilst the man is putting in a measly 25% or whatever.
i'm not just talking out of my ass here. i have dated a LOT!! i won't even mention how much i've dated, because it might be an embarrassing number of dates, it's so plentiful. besides that, in leading up to, or in the deciding of dating someone, i have also talked to COUNTLESS men, getting to know them, their views, their opinions. then on top of that, i read a LOT & i also have a lot of mail friends, so i think that my opinion on this matter is QUITE well informed, to say the least. i think i'm a pretty decent authority on men & who they are and what they want. granted, it might be a certain demographic....say early 20's to mid/late 50's, there are some exceptions below & above those ages, but that is the basic age range.
below is an email i composed to a man on facebook who is a "friend" but i JUST "met" him, we know nothing about each other, we have only exchanged a couple of emails & they were very short emails.
he was asking if i do cam to cam. meaning, obviously, do i get on cam to talk to him while he's on cam & in my experience of guys asking those types of things, it generally means ONE thing: they are HOPING they will get lucky. that this cam/cam session will turn into something sexual. in fact, many men ask flat out about things like that, or wanna go there in ANY arena. via email, text, im, you name it. in fact i've had guy FRIENDS, that i knew very well try to take things in that direction & to be honest, i was offended!
i thought they they were my FRIENDS! not some fairweather friend who wanted to get some cheap thrill out of me & that's all! also offensive is the fact that our friendship obviously means SO little to them that they will risk it for trying to go to such a place. if a guy is interested interested in you & wants it to be more: a relationship, a start of a relationship, then that is more understandable. also it's different if YOU are interested in the guy romantically as well. i'm including sexually in that statement i suppose.
just to be clear, i have NOT gone on cam w/ANY guy EVER!!! ever in the history of my life, of the computer age, the history of the world, or the history of anything! i own a cam, but i've never used it. it's in my computer center cupboard. i bought it for work, for internet meetings, but never had the need for it.
i have talked to and "watched" guys on cam. i don't have a problem w/that. i mean TALKING, just talking, as a friend or whatever.
here is the majority my response to that guy's email to me, asking if we could do cam to cam....

"very expensive? really? wow. when you meet & like a woman, don't you take her out to dinner? or at LEAST drinks or something?
you seem to be looking for some cheap sluts w/NO self esteem, just ready to go on cam & give you your cheap thrills for absolutely NOTHING in return. now THAT offends me.
i'm worth more than that, i have more self respect than that & i'm not some fucking "free" whore walking down the street waiting for any guy to ask if i wanna fuck, or if i wanna cam. wtf? u men these days make ZERO effort for women! you are so spoiled, entitled, wanting instant gratification & everything else you want, all for NOTHING! u don't even have to lift a fucking finger.
whatever happened to chivalry? or treating a woman like a lady? or wanting to spoil or take care of a woman, even for a day?
don't worry i'm SURE you will find a TON of women on fb who have NO self esteem & don't value themselves at all, who would LOVE to jump on cam w/you because that's the ONLY way they think they can get "love" or attention from men."

so that was most of my email. i guess i went off on a tangent, but why should that be shocking or taken as more shocking, my going off on a tangent, if you wanna call it that, then a man i don't even KNOW asking me right off the bat if we can go "cam to cam" or however he put it?
i don't know. it all makes me wonder. OF COURSE, men wouldn't be doing this stuff, asking this stuff, etc. were it not being ALLOWED by countless women right? if every woman was like "go fuck yourself" they wouldn't be so easy to ask, so flippantly & so right off the bat. so i'm not just blaming men, i'm blaming women as well.
then conversely i ALSO believe that we ALL should be able to do what we want to, in ANY arena, sexually included & NOT be judged & yeah that's a great concept, but unfortunately it DOESN'T work that way and we ARE judged for our behavior & everything we do in this world.